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Show see that it is to their advantage to go to work on scientific principles, showed how the youth of both sexes could be employed in this county in fruit growing and other industries, to the benefit of all parties concerned. Spoke of the necessity of self reliance of all, both male and female, and showed how people in some of the old countries make an independent living out of a very small capital. I Professor Linfield spoke of the man of our youth who think that farm life is the hardest work for the least pay end showed that the farmer is the most independent of any class of people. Showed the necessity of not only taking care of our crops but also of our tools of all kinds and all machinery. Showed how carelessness in this line is ruinous to the farmer. Showed that grain, fruit and vegetab'es that we have to sell, should be put up in as good a shape as possible, and when it is put in an attractive manner it is much easier to get a good price for the same. The same rule ap- plies to all kinds of produce. He exhibited a diagran of a cow showing how to Judge of one that is good to give milk and showed that she should be in wedge shape from the shoulders to the hip, and that she should be broad across' the hips, and also .from the hip to and through the udder. He spoke on the rotation of crops and the benefits derived therefrom by following it up, and urged the farmers to try it. The instructions given were very J beneficial to farmers and dairymen dairy-men if they will only put them into in-to execntion. Farmers Meeting. Professor Tamer spoke of the advantage of skilled labor in the care of our stock. Showed that a very great difference is realized by the proper care of stock and also showed that the time has come when the unskilled laborer must give way to the skilled, as the difference dif-ference is so great that all must |