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Show estimated to be $4,000,000,000, of silver in the world, worth in the open market, as bullion, at least $2,000,000,000, and this wealth is to be added to our resources, so say the gold men, if we open our mines. But they insist in declaring by law that such shall not come to pass. Did you ever hear of a country legislating leg-islating property out of its boundaries?" bound-aries?" The Evanston News-Regster contains a list of some ninety-five names of prominent Republicans, who have formed a Bryan and Sewall club. It is plain that Sen-I Sen-I ator Clark's efforts for McKinley are being appreciated at, their full value. Denver News. A friend stepped into the editorial editor-ial rooms last evening to chat on the topics of the day and in discus sing the silver question he presented ' an original thought which is worthy of reproduction . "Think of it," he said, "the gold men assert that free coinage would ! result in the silver of the world coming to the United States to be coined into silver dollars. There is |