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Show THE .'UNION. Published every Saturday at St George,. Washington Co., Utah, , BY Jos, W. Oarpontor, . EDITOR & PROPKlElOft. TERMd IN ADVANCE. . One copy, one year, $1.50. One copy, six months, w' One copy, three months, 45. BATES OF ADVERTISING. 1 week; i month: 6 month; ore vear. One inch, $1.00. $J.7S- $s -V column, a.75. S-SO' '3- ,0 S' ft column, 5.00. 10.50. ? 1 column.- S.75. 17.00. 30.00. 45-00- i i3TLocal noticps in reading type, ten cents a line, each Insertion. tSTNotlces of articles lost or found, consisting of five lines or less, will be Inserted In-serted for our subscribers, free of c&arRe. H3TRates of other advertising furnished on application. tf We respectfully request that contributors con-tributors will hand in the general reading read-ing matter that they desire to appear in the ensuing issue, not later than Tuesday Tues-day morning, and local items not later than Friday evening, of each week. - Address all comrannfeations to ! THE UNIOV, Box 512, . ST. GEORGE, . Washington Co., UTAH. Entered at the Post Office at St. George, Washington Co- Utah, as second class matter, March 27, 1896. Saturday, August 8, 1896. |