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Show DISEASES OP THE SKIN. Tho intense itching and smartine IncW dent to eczema, tetter, salt-rheum, and other diseases of the skin is instantly aliased by applying Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment Many very bad cases have been permanently cured by it It fa equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite remedy rem-edy for sore nipples; chapped hands, chilblains, chil-blains, frost bites, and chronic sore eye. For sale by druggists at 25 cento per box. Try Dr. Cody's Condition Powders, they are just what a horse needs when in bad condition. condi-tion. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. For m1 by i. R. M.chels. i . '. JOHN H. PEARGE, THE ENTERPRISING BUTCHER. Next Door to Co-op., St. George Will keep BEEF & PORK s:ON HAND:o 18tf Call and see us. J. E. MICHELS, North St., Saint George Utah; DEALER IN Patent Medicines, Cipare, Stationery, Perfumery, Candles, Soap. Brushes, Violin and Gnltar Strings, feo., Cheaper than the cheapest. 33. t. 3FrixngroN custom made BOOTS & SHOES. Re PAIRING NEATLY DONE. HR1CE8 LOW. 9t. Goorco, XTtetlx. WASHINGTON MILL COMPANY, MANUFACTURERS OF Flour, Bran, Germade, Cora meal, Cracked wheat, for Table use, at lowest cash price Fine Chester pigs for sale. Pymm House St George, Utah. Meals Reasonable, Good stabling. JNOPYMM, PROP. ALSO DEALER IN JEWELRY, STATIONERY, CIGARS, GROCERIES, ETC. JOHN EARDLEY, MAMUFAOTUftf OF Earfhenw are, Jars.Bowls, Milk Pan. Tea Pots, &.c. The above class of work la warranted t be the beet in the Territory, and Prloes are low for Cash. Looted on 2ud North St., east of Qt. Goorgo, TTtn.li. Joseph Orton, Boot cfc? SHoo ZHAlcor 2 DOOR8 EA8T OF P08T OFFICE, ST. GEORGE, UTAH. B7 close attention to 'buKinets and fair desliog I Lope to retain the patronage of the public. PBltepalrlng neatly done.3 MEAT MARKET, , QROSBy & yCJRTHUrj rnorniETOJt$ St. Goorgo, XTtnla.. Meat on hand nt lowest market prices. liETLocated nt Canaan market. ' . otf t t |