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Show NOTICE. In Ihe District Court of the Fifth Judicial Dis. trlct, State of Utah, County of Washington, l'robate Division. Ih the Ma'ier o' th Estate of) Adolphus U. S hlteh ad. SOTIOB . Deceased. Notice is hereby given that George F. Whit?, head, Administrator, of the estate of AdoJphua R. Wh'tehead, Leceawd, h& rendered for settlement, , and filed in thl Couit. his final account of his ad m'niuration of said estate and petition for final ditt ilotijn of the frald estate among the persons entitled thereto, and that Rfondcy the 7th day of Rp-ember, A D., lH9fi at 10 o'clock A. M., at the Court ri'om cf hid Court, In the County Court House, 8t. i-eonre City, WnfMns ton County. Utah : ban been dnly appointed by tho JUDGE of aold Court, V r the settlement of raid account and hearing hear-ing uid petition for distribution, at wlrch time and pla'e ny peron interested In said estate-may estate-may appear n? d how cauee, if ai.y there be, why sald account fchrnld not be sell led aad approved and final d atributi- n mae as prayed for. fcTU A. I'YMM, Clerk of the District Cou:t. F.-auclp t. Pnzi; t, attorney f r Administrator. i |