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Show AJT OnPIMTAIJOI?. AN ORDINANCE. Creating and defining de-fining bound arie cf Election Precincts, id Washington County, State of Utah. The Board of Countv Commissioners Commission-ers of the Counjy of Washington, do ordain or-dain as follows: That for Election purposes the County of Wanhington,. Stato of Utah, f.hnll b divided into precincts with boundaries oxed. hr rouows: Preolnct No. One All of Shonesburg Precinct. Precinct No. Two All of Springdale Precinct. Precinct No. Three All of Rockville Precinct. I Precinct, No. Four All of Grafton Precinct. Piecinct No. Five All of Virgen Oity Precinct. Precinct No. Six All of Toqnerville Precinct. Precintt No. Seven All of Leeds, llarrisburg and Silver Reef Precincts. ' Precinct No. Eight All of Washington Washing-ton Precinct, Precinct No. Nine All of St, George Precinct. lying !EAST of the centre line ot LOCUST STREET in aid Citv. Piecinct No. Ten-All of St. Gorg Preeinct, lvinr "WEST of thecentro line of LOCUST STREET in said City. Precinct No. Eleven All of Bloom-ington Bloom-ington Precinct. Precinct No. Twelve All of Santa Clara Precinct. Precinct No. T-hirteen All of Gun-lock Gun-lock Precinct.. Precinct No. Fourteen All of Pine Valley Precinct.' Precinct No. FifteenAll of Hebron Precinct. Precinct No. Sixteen All of.IIamblin precinct. Precinct No. ' Seventeen All of rlnto Precinct, PrcinctNo. Eighteen All of Har-ninny Har-ninny Precinct. All of said Precinct, being more particularly par-ticularly described and recorded on pages 3 to 10 inclusive, in a record entitled Precinct and School District Boundaries," Bounda-ries," as adopted by the County Court, of Washington County, Territory of Utah, March 6th. 3893. paoted this 29tli day of June, A. I)., 1890. Robert C. Lnnd, Attest, Chairman. Setn A. Pymm, County Clerk. (SEAL.) State of Utah, ) ss County of Washington, f I Seth A. Pywn, Clerk of the County Court in and for the County of Washington, Washing-ton, ptate of Utah, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and conect copy of the Original Ordinance passed by the County Court, of naid County, and State, on the 29th day of June, 1896. as 1 he same appears on file and of record iu tny office. WITNESS my hand and Of--OLtn ficial Seal thin 80th day of COkX June, on thousand eight nun-v-0"3-' died and ninety ix. Ssth A. Pvmm, County C'erk, |