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Show j LIVE STOCK MARKETS .. i . CHICAGO. CHICAGO. June 10. Cattle Receipts estimated at 1000; market atrong. Beeves. Hj.V74: Tesas sieers, Hb"it; western west-ern steers, lt.704jl.75: actockera and feedeve. 13.2itt5.40: cows and helfors. !.' 254.75i calves. 5.7r.4rS. Hoes Receipts estlnialed at 15.000: market generally 10 cents higher. Light. t 21'tt .6.: mixed. t :'.e ii. heavy. 1 .i:.fl.:rt: rough. M. !.:(: od to choice heavy. t.15fi4.?t: PKs. 0.1U 10: bulk of sales. tl'Wt 40. Sheep Receipts estimated at 12.000-market 12.000-market steady. 10 cents higher. Natlv.. 5.4.40: western. 12.75ti 4.40;. lambs, native II.Si'O 7.S5: western, 11.5097. 50. KANSAS CITY. KANSAS CITY. June 30. Cattle Receipts Re-ceipts 20O0; market strung. Nat., leers. 1V25M.E0; natlv. cows and heifers. heif-ers. 12.4'4.10: stock. rs and feeders. 13.75 05.40: hulls. I'.WITI: elves. 144ft. 75: viestern steers. $4. 75f t-25; western cows, 1.' 75 .75. Hogs Receipts 7000; msrket 10 centa higher. Hulk of sal.. I l"J 50; hravv. It;.404i4 45; packets and butchers, 14.409 4 5-'t: light. M-4v V). Sheep Receipts 25tHI; strong. Muttons. 1J4iS 'W: lamhs. 15 7:.7: fed aetlier. and vearllnas. 13.756 4.75;, fed western ewes, j l.M4ll.i. j OMAHA. SOI TH OMAHA. June 0 Tattle Receipts Re-ceipts 130; market active, stronger. Native Na-tive steers. !5?5h-4.40: cows and heifers. !34ri.ti; western' steers. 1.: .)4j ..50: ran, cows and nelfers. 134J4.50; can-ners. can-ners. 12.r5tfl.5a: stockers and feeders, 13 50 3 :5. calves 3.50i.5i: bulla suias. etc.. ltj5.1o. li. Mrs Receipts S400; market 10 to 15 cents hlaher. Hesvv. M I5t 15: mixed. M;.".j4J5: llrht. I KUL, pigs, li.5 04 25: bulk of sales. 14.10B4 35. Sheep Receipts 54ia): market steady to stronger. Yarllnc. 14w5: wethers, 11.50, 64.10; .wra. 13B4. tamtak 15 5Sit.2i. I i I |