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Show DEVELOPMENTS IN JUDICIAL SYSTEM .Now it Is the judicial system nf the country that Is tndergoing critical soru-tlnv. soru-tlnv. Wth the supreme court openly chitrttt! bv on- if Its own membrrs with "dmmerour; usurpation" of legislative j..-rs l an extent that "may well iuic .imp alarm for the integrity of mi'- institutions" : with the president of lit- I'nltwi States charging that a condition con-dition exists in our criminal courts that In "niitrtllnii and luimlliattng" ami that t!4 sit nation In our civil courts places the poor man "al a woeful disadvantage" with n lit h opponent : Willi th- chief j'iailx- of the nuprt-me court appoint -i(K a comm'sslon. to consist of hlmslf and two associate- justices, for the pur- Sthw nf rffurmlng the rules of procedure in tlio cotirts -of equity of the t'nited Stales; and with a formidable move-' move-' " nit-nl. In many states to make , alt our Judge subj. . t to "recall" at any time, uii'ler provisions which, constitute, according ac-cording to thu attorney general of the l'nltc.1 States, "an attack on the Independence Inde-pendence of the judiciary" these developments de-velopments coming one after another in ouit k sue esstori have had aw cumulative effect that borders close upou the sen-saiitinal. sen-saiitinal. The two notable decisions by the supreme su-preme court in th Standard Oil and tolia-co trust cases are notable not alone for their effecis upon industry and Interstate commerce, but for their political effect as a result of the court's exercise of an authority that Is passionately pas-sionately challenged. In a recent meeting meet-ing In New York yity. one of the speakers, speak-ers, Wlllism P. Hamilton, editor of an Influential financial paner the Wall Street Journal even while defending the supreme court for saving the general gen-eral huslness of the country, admits that It "has read Into the Sherman law an amendment that never could have passed the congress of the lTnlted States. and a meaning which Senator Edmunds, the real author of the law, has declared he never Intended to convey. 'urrent Literature. The healthy old man wears bis gray hairs like a silver crown. What if he be threescore and ten if there is still fire in his eye. firmness ,-ln his step, cnmniSnd in bis voico and wisdom in his c-ounself He commands lov. and reverence. Yet how few wear th. man tie of age and dignity. Dim eyed, querulous of speech, halting in step, childish in mind, thev "lag superfluous on the stsge." drawing out the fag end of life in a simple existence. The secret of a heslthv old age is a healthy middle age. The man who takes care of his stomach, who keeps his body , properly nourished, will find that the bodv doea not fail him in old age. The great value of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery lies in the preservation preser-vation of the working power of the omich and other organa of digestion and nutrition. From the center is dis-. dis-. frihnted the nourishment of the whole Nfhndv. the salt for the blofid, the lime for th. bones, proephates for the brain and nerves. A sound stomach means a eound man. A man who keeps bis stomach stom-ach sound by the use of "Golden Medical Medi-cal Discovery" will wear the crown of gray hair, as befits avmonareh, with oignitv and ease. Formula printed on wrapper not a secret, or "patent medicine." but OF KXOWX COMPOSITION". COMPO-SITION". . |