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Show Forhes. Jensen. Wicker and Marshall, fonner members of the local stale ieue tesm, have Joined the Kawline. Wo., duo. For the second, "me ihls season the skyscrapers are not In first pl -e In lit' clu.lsome rsce for the fnlon lessue pen-nanl. pen-nanl. fslt Lake lost to Boise yesterday, while Grcst Kails remained idle owing to rain. This put Reeds bunch Into first place by 1 per cent. Oreat Falls held the lesd In the only other lime In which Halt Lake waa not on lop. It's some hall team Just the same that can hold the lead while sway on a tour .weeks' trip filled with such hard luck as has befallen Wsnkenship's bunch. Doubtless there Is great Joy at Oreat Falls but It should he rememhered that the electrics have played only fifty-five same., losina twenly-one, while the salnta have played sixty games, losing twenty-three, hence II win be seen thai mere percentaae Is not always an Infallible Infal-lible Indes. It's easy to understand now how the homers took the sign at Salt I.ake five t lit -- " Uaet'e iwuu the present series that fans want to see placed up on the high shelf. The irrigators can pull off the stunt If they play like they did yesterday. Boise News. Last night's rain did untold good to the new soil on Cooley park. In a game at l.oberty park yesterday between the Murphy Candy company and the American Linen Supply company teama the former won by a score of ".'4 to 4. The battery for the candy team was Lens! and Sorenson and for the I.inen Supply company Watson and Key did the work. In a' hotly contested game of hall the Kphralm sluggers won from the Payson Vhemplons hy the score of 14 to 9 yesterday. yes-terday. Harrison, the Pavson ratcher. was knocked out of the bo In the sixth Inning. Singleton, who took hla place, was touched ug for six hits, netting the home team five rure. East. In the box for Ephralm. was taken out In the sixth. Lund took his place and allowed only one hit and no runs. By the agreement which sent Pitcher Kane to Helens he Is barred from working work-ing In the box against the Butte team. Have Oregg. brother of Vesfl Gregg. now famous In the baseball world, has been signed by the Clevelsnd nsps and l requested to report to Portland. Cleve. and a coast ' farm.'" at once. He Is a right hand pitcher of great promise and is the second of what Clarkstnn Irrigation Irriga-tion and sunshine will do Inward baseball base-ball development. After his final game for Olarkston on July 4 he will make his tryout with the Portlsnd team. When Msnsger Blankenshlp of the alt Lake tcjm settled with Maurice Weiss for the series In Helena he remarked re-marked that It was the largest check he had drawn down for any series away from home. The check amounted to something like 70n for Halt .Lakes share. That Indicates the kind of a ball town Helena Is. and why the t'nlpn association as-sociation magnatee wanted Helena ln their league. Helena Independent. |