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Show Your Baby And Mine Br MTRTLB METEB SLDESD eczema orrtN accompanies OVEBFSEDINQ Ecxema la not an uncommon sequel to overfeeding. It la aa prevalent in tha braaat-Iad aa la tha botUa-(ad baby. It means, in moat cases, that baby' digestion la being taxed to deal with tha large supplies of milk which re being offered and that tha proteins, pro-teins, undergoing imperfect digestion and finding their way into tha blood ftrearn unchanged, act aa an irritant when secreted through tha akin. ICZIMA APPEASED Thia baby' weight increase makes one auspicious of overfeeding. Mrs. J. C. states her case: "My baby la 4 montha old. weighed T pounds 2 ounces at birth and now weighs IS pounds, ounces. He la pretty fat, but seems well and strong. My problem prob-lem now la lust bow long and now of tan to feed him. At first, be waa fed every three hours and his gain began Jumping, sometimes a gain of a pound a week. I seem to hava plenty of milk. About two montha ago ecsema started on his face and is now spreading spread-ing to his body. I cut down nil feeding feed-ing to one every four hours. "His eciema has bean getting worse. Ha baa always been constipated. I gave him six teaspoonfula of orange Juic a day, but I noticed his eciema got worse, so I stopped that After excluding It for two weeks, I notice no change. My diet consists chiefly of fruits and vegetables. He does not seem to get enough milk if I nurse only one breast I triad thia for two dayi and ha cried all the time. I had been feeding him for 10 minutes on both breasts. Would you send me the Dooaiei en leeaing and on type of i tool?" ' EZPEBIMENT All eczema ease ar complicated, i One can only experiment and are what might help. Continue nursing ' baby on both breasts every four ' hours. The first milk in each breast I is leas rich than the last milk. Express I the left-over milk by hand or breast 1 pump. The baby may be sensitive to ' something in your diet eggs being the 1 most frequent offending element The possibility is, with such a good ' gain In weight that your breast milk I msy be very fat in content Vigorous 1 exercise and car not to overload your 1 diet with fata, cream, butter, rich 1 gravies, bacon, and so on, might be 1 lightly helpfuL i OTHEB FACTORS 1 Something beside diet such at , wool, baby pillows, house dust or . powder you are using on baby or your- self, ha been known to cause eczema ' in babies sensitive to those elements. ' You should have a good pediatrician make the akin tests, and eliminate those factor which may be reepon-' tibia. It It easier to do this now when 1 the diet I comparatively simple than later when you have added wheat cereal and vegetable and egg or ' cow' milk. It may be necessary to wean the baby. In which case one of ' tha well-boiled canned milks is a better bet-ter choice than fresh milk, since all heated protein are better borne by such babies than the uncooked types, i You ask for leaflet, but you failed to include a self -addressed, stamped envelop with your request or, in fact even an address, and to there it no way for ma to send them to yon. When you write again, atk for my leaflets, on "What the Mother Should Know About Eczema," "Feeding from Two to Twelve Months," and "Type of Stool," Temerrewt "New Habile Demand Tact aad Patience ef Mother." |