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Show By NAT HOLM AN Star Player. Ceaah and Aether at "Winning Basketball" . OeeotUa De yea think It safe to relax ea the defenae after yea bare leal pssssaalea ef the ballT Answer Return to your defensive position aa soon as possible after the ball change! handa. and rest eaaily until un-til the offenaive arrives. Relax physically, physi-cally, but never mentally. These moments mo-ments of rest are of greatest importance impor-tance to a player, and he must make use of them If be wishes to retain his speed throughout a game. yi aeafaelng searing play, blaglag aad a pivot aaaa, ta aaewa above. I passes to No. I, wke paaaea to pivot, Ne. t, aad Utaa ereeeea aver to take a Vetera paaa. la aaaa Na. t to well eevered, the pi vet aaa aaaa to Ne. 4, wke baa alee eraaaad ever fer a shoe, a |