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Show Idaho Guest Lunch Motif Mrs. La, Grande Young of Weaver, Idaho, who is visiting Mrs. William Raid and Mr. Lester D. Freed, was the honored guest at bridge luncheon lunch-eon given Mondsy by Mrs. Frank A. Johnson at her home in Normandy circle. The decoration were In valentine val-entine effect with crimson csmstlons snd butterfly sweet pea for the table centerpiece. The hostess wss assisted by her daughter. Miss Afton Johnson; Must Ruth Beckstead and Miss Evelyn Harding. The music section of the Wasatch Literary club will meet at the home of Mrs. Ernest Urlen, U Wilt Seventh Sev-enth South street Tuesday at 1 p. m. Mrs. A. A. Kerr will preside at the business meeting. Ten minutes with the "Federation News" will be given by Mrs. Charles R. Whitehead, contact member with the Utah Federation Fed-eration of Music Clubs. The program will consist of "Opera In America" by Mrs. Whltehesd; "The Witch of Salem (Charles W. Csd-msn) Csd-msn) by Mrs, George D. 8treeter; a paper on "The Wardrobe of Singer and Instrumentalist" by Mrs. Ksrr; vocsl solos. Mrs. Arth E. Kennedy, (a) "At Dawning" by Charles Wske-fleld Wske-fleld Csdman, and b "I'll Forget You" by Ernest R. Ball. Tea hour will follow the program. Mrs. J. M. PerlewlU. chairman of the entertainment committee of the Wasatch Literary club, has celled a meeting of the committee at the home of Mrs. Ernest Urlen, 83 West Seventh South street Tuesdsy at 1 p. m. The Mothers' club of Bethel No. 1. Order of Job's Dsughters, will meet st the home of Mrs. Msud S. Mllliken. 1818 Ysle avenue, Tuesdsy at 10 a. m. for sewing. Members will bring box lunches. Lsdies' Aid society of the Second Christian church will meet Tuesday at 1 p. ro, at the home of Mrs. F. S. Schlater, Boulevard Garden. Radiant chapter No. 12, O. E. S., will hold its regular February meeting meet-ing In the gothlc room of the Masonic temple Tuesdsy at 7:30 p. m. The history-tourist-srt section of the Ladies' Literary club will meet Tuesday Tues-day at 10:30 a. m. The program will be given by Mrs. Allen T. Sanford. The drama-music section will meet Tuesday at 2 p. m. Mrs. A. D, Smith, assisted by Mrs. L. B, Fuller and Mrs. K. A. Wast will read the play, "Another "An-other Language," by Rose Frsnken. Vocsl numbers will be sung by Miss Norma Knight soprano. Mrs. O. Rse Allen and Miss Phyllis Allen entertslned ten close friends of Miss Florence Bannon and Richard Rich-ard O'Rourke at dinner Sunday eve ning at tneir nom on Ninth East street. The table was decorated with crimson heart. On Sunday morning Miss Bannon was tha motif for a breakfast given by Miss Fswn Med-sen Med-sen at her home on Tenth last street A wedding cske wss the centerpiece for the table, which was decorated with silver baskets filled with red csrnstkms at either end. Bridal place cards marked the places for Miss Bannon, Mrs. John C. McGinlsy. Mrs. Fred Browning. Mrs. Florence Sneddon, Miss Luelle Collins. Miss Josephine Cunninghsm. Miss Helen Vsn Cott, Miss Mildred Esrdley, Miss Msrgsret Henderson. Miss Louise Ware and Miss Laura Marjhsll, Mr. Delbert Lsmbert entertslned st a 1 p. m. luncheon recently at her home on South West Temple street Vslentine decorations were used. The hostess was assisted by her mother. Mrs. Prlscllls Whitsker. The 'nests were Mrs, Grsce Timpson, Mrs, Robert Parr, Mr. Alfred Koller, Mrs. William Gordon. Mrs. George Hess. Mrs. Byron Reed. Mrs. Wallace Ashdowa and Mrs, Elry Jeppaon, Mrs. W. A. Christensen entertained at a prettily appointed luncheon on Monday at her home on Ninth East street In honor of Mrs. M. D. Cough-lin Cough-lin of Sscramento, Cel., a popular visitor. The guests, exclusive of the honored guest, were Mrs. S. Jesper-son. Jesper-son. Mrs. J. D. Hansen, Mrs. C. H. Goodsell. Mrs. A. Johnson, Mrs. J. E Jepperson, Mrs. A. W. Christensen snd Mrs. Nephi Hsnsen. Mrs. Cough-lin Cough-lin was the honored guest st a luncheon lunch-eon given Ssturdsy by Mrs. J. D. Hansen In the Lo Gable apartment. apart-ment. Miss France Lose left Sunday for Berkeley, Csl., where she will be msrrled February It to Earl Francis Fran-cis Pesrson. formerly ot Salt Lake. I Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lose left by sutomoblle on February for Los Angeles to attend the wedding of their nephew. .William Fennemore King, and Miss Adrienne Fortune, which took piece Ssturdsy. They will Join Miss Losee In Berkeley for her weeding on Saturdayv , |