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Show WALTER WINCHELL POET Thest I waa tnar-lac I theaght iere weald be Thanaar aa4 aiaraa UfkbUaf la (ha at? I Is H Mi strange Lara earns ta yea aad aae Treading M aefUy M the Bight trtnde alga Wa need mm Becds ha slew tarn a( yam bead, Taar finger's el yB ase-th egai-st Bty ew a Bar tat nml all that sbeald Be said, wactly aa any aaaala Faa baa Mewa. Thca I waa wrong--ac all thai I sailed Wra Before ya eaaaa waa tinged with aeirer's A caM rata psrUd headHng fram above Ab4 left ana f repine la the speoeleea dark, (Bow atranfe It la te BiUew at year bream A alim aa4 Iraf r- a e e NO WONDER! Walter Thornton tell It on Ruaa Patleraon. the Uluatraurr, who bad a pretty but numb model Ittlna for him one day. 'Herea the Idea, aaid Rum, "you hare )ut read a letter Inrormln you that your dear mother la dying. You are frM-atrlcken. frM-atrlcken. mlaerable. tad " The gal aatumed the poet, but eouldnt resist smIUnc. "My aahdl" cried the artist, "your mother moth-er Is supposed to be dying, how can you laugh?" "Tee-hee," tittered the model, "she'i my step- mother and X hate berl" e e e OKAY! CHICAGO! Billy Olaaoa tolls of a big city which "on Bun-day Bun-day looks like It's To-Let I" a a a THI CYNIC RAILWAY Virtue may be Its own reward, reminds Will Herbert, but there are stlU a lot la people who don't teem to know that a reward's been otferedl e e e REINCARNATION "Whatever became of the following two )okesT 1) Anxious father waiting In hospital corridor, rushes up to nurse and yells: "Quick, am I a father or mother?" (3 Cops arrests drunk. "He must be drunk, your honor. I caught him putting Ennlea In a patrol bo and be complained about ilng welghtr They were both In the February 4th Satere- ... FAMOUS BULLS By B. A. Qulmby: John Sitting Beaded, Montana, . Durham Dog, Run, Rushes. And Pulla, e e e TRATD CAT Frisco, the headllner, Jan king among dancers, and clown, is a character, indeed. This department depart-ment recently learned why he stays up till dswn. He Is afraid to sleep at night! When he gets to his hotel room Frisco locks the door, places the dresser eealnst R. then the sola. After annolnU lng himself with oils, ha wears a skull cap to prevent pre-vent colds, and won't dwell in a room where there's a fire escape leading to his window I Burglars, Bur-glars, you know. Before retiring, he places a tear-gas bomb under un-der his pillow and proceeds to worry about nothingexcept noth-ingexcept ghosts. Particularly those that no longer walk on Saturday nights. LESSON IN ECONOMY In the Norman Sullivan manner: "Never match coin over sewer gratings." e e a The petty racketeers have hit upon a new form of blackmail, according to one lad. Enrio Ma-dogluera, Ma-dogluera, maestro at the Place Pig alia . . . They check on a star's life, uncover some sordid details de-tails (If they can, that Is), then they approach the victim, and demand coin to keep quiet . . . One such baddle pulled the trick on Enrtc, who replied: re-plied: "Be sure and snell my name right and If there la great publicity from the expose-return and I will give you what I think It la worth to me." , , . The fellow hasnt returned yet . . . And Enrio En-rio wishes I would so announce the fact and Invite anyone to do their darndest . . . Oood for here in the column being fed up with the "let e-Enrlcl e-Enrlcl ... I did It out loud recently, too right get-even-wlth-hlm" groups all of whom failed to pass their exams to o morons. (Copyright. 133. Dally Mirror. Inc.) |