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Show PRICES TREND TO A HIGHER LEVEL Bull Move in Reading and Smelting Gives Evidence Evi-dence of a Pool. NKW YORK. Nov. 13. Opening prices In the stock market today were generally gener-ally higher, but there were a few scattering scat-tering losses, including some prominent stocks. The conspicuous gains were for the most part amongst specialties, the average changes being restricted to small fractions. Outside of a monetary relapse on realising real-ising soon after the opening, the direction direc-tion of prices was decidedly upwards, although al-though the most progress occurred only In stocks of comparative Inactivity. The buying of Reading and Smelting at ad- vances of a point or two respectively revealed re-vealed a renewal of the aggressive bull operations In these stockh and there was a more general disposition to take hold of other stocks that were credited with being in the hands of pool operators. Prices sagged for a time, but a revived demand for Reading carried It to above 139 and prices generally moved upwards again. Chesapeake A Ohio. Ontario A Western and Kansas A Texas rose about a point. Illinois Central IS. L. N. and Kansas & Texas 2H. Hocking Valley 7 and the preferred 2i- Knickerbocker Ice extended Its gain to 4V but the preferred pre-ferred lost 2H- Westlnghouse Electric first preferred dropped 2. Bonds were firm at noon. An extraordinary rise of 13 points to 113 by Hocking Valley encouraged operators oper-ators In other obscure stocks to bid up their favorites to arouse public Interest and the result was material advances In a long array of stocks of this class, while the standard stocks stood still. Northwestern, North-western, Kansas & Texas preferred. Chicago Chi-cago Terminal. Kanawha and Michigan. IxK-omotive. Cotton Oil. American Ice and Texas Land Trust Improved 2 to 2H. Atlantic Coast line SV Wisconsin Central preferred and Colorado & Southern second sec-ond preferred IVi and Norfolk & Western. Colorado & Southern first preferred and Amalgamated Copper 1. Most of the large operations were In a gradually expanding list of usually inactive in-active stocks, which have been the real leaders and features of today's market. Great Northern preferred Jumped "hi. Knickerbocker Ice 5H. Westlnghouse Electric 4, Kanawha and Michigan 31, isoi-thern Paclrtc 3H. General Electric 2V. and United States Rubber 2. Pressure against Brooklyn Transit drove it off a point, but it was made up before 2 o'clock. The general list of standard stocks had a heavy undertone and hung back from the advance In specialties. New York Sugar. NEW YORK. Nov. 15. Sugar Raw. steady: fair refining. Vw; centrifugal. 96-test. 96-test. 3 7-16c: molanses sugar, 24c; refined, quiet: crushed. $5.30: powdered, $4.70; granulated. $4.60. Coffee Quiet; No. 7 Rio, (seSSc. St. Louis Wool. 8T. LOflS. Nov. 15. Wool Steady; Territory and Western mediums, 2630c; fine mediums, 2226c; fine. 19J21c. Kansas City Live Stock. KANSAS CITY. Nov. 15. Cattle Receipts, Re-ceipts, 11,000; market steady to 10c higher; high-er; native steers, $3.5oj5.80: native cows and heifers. $1.754.75; stockers and feeders. feed-ers. t2.50&4.25: bulls. $2.003.25: calves. $2.50.a; Western steers, $2.666'4 60; Western cows. $2.00&3.26. Hogs Receipts, 13.000; market strong to 5c higher: bulk of sales. $4.5i4.85; heavy. 4.80if4.90: packers. $4.u&4.!0; pigs and light, $4.40 4.824. Sheep Receipts. 5u0l; market strong: muttons. $4.504r5.85; lambs. $6.50 7.26; rangf wethers. $4.,VW3.S."; fed ewes, $3.75(1 5.23. Omaha Live Stock. OMAHA. Nov. 15. Cuttle Receipts. 67'); market steudv: native steers. $3.&(i 6.40: cows and heifWs. $2.60(33.50; Western steers, $2.75tir4.4i: Texas eteers, $2.tio?3.t)5: cos and heifers. r-'.i'CKn?..: canners. $1.60 62i": stockers and foed'-rs. tl.2yti'.l.tf: chIvps. $2.ryfi6.50: hulls and stags. $1.6 !.25. Hogs RecHpt. 78u; market steady ; heavy. $4.8.Vn4.75; mix"d. $t.;'Ki4..u: light. $4 724&40; pigs. $4.L'ii4.50: bulk of sales. $4.7(K&4.75. 8h-- K.'toipts. U.M: market Blow and lower; yearlings. t'i.25'ii5.i.1: wethers. $4.SMnV25; ctve. $4.-J5f j 4.?r. : lambs, K25i7.t". Chicago Live Stock. CHICAGO. Nov. 15. Cuttle Receipts. IS.Ouu: market luc higher: beeves. $;;.24r 40: cows and heifers. SXAaAM: stockrs and feeders, $i"'"'a4.1S; Texans, $3.4mfi4.2i; Western. $2.4.76. Hogs-Receipts. 2S.CW tomorrow, Hu.Ow; market 6- higher: mixed and butchers. $4.UKtf3.0C; good heavy. $4.163. iC'il rough heavy. $4.40'U I 4.; light. $4 45ft 4.15; pigs. $4.H?.''g4.!): bulk ! of sales. $4.75i5.'. Sheep Receipts. L'S -irtl; market atemiy: sheep, $4.fi.Bi: lambs, 7.35. Chicago Produce. CHICAGO. Nov. 1-3. Lower prices for wheat at Liverpool created a bearish sentiment in the wheat market today. Selling was general anil demand light. Liberal receipts at Minneapolis and l)u-hith l)u-hith tended further to depress values. The Mav delivery- opened VasC lower at SSV.iSiShSc and sold off 1o SS- Mlnneapo-lisc. Mlnneapo-lisc. Duluth and Chicago reported receipts re-ceipts of 899 cars, against 565 a year ago. Clear weather and Increased receipts caused weakness In the corn market. The May option opened 1,fitc lower at 451 4Cc. and declined to 44i-. Oat were easier in sympathy with wheat and corn. May opened a shade to He lower at ffiivSV'V: and held firm around SI'xc. May pork was o(T a shade at $12.85(3 .ffPi: lard waa unchanged at $ti.97,. and ribs were up U1 at $'i.T6. Will Rearrange Rates. NEW YORK. Nov. 13. Executive officers offi-cers of the Eastern railroads, whicli are known as 'differential'' lines, will meet here today to arrange for a re-arrangement at an early date of the general question of "standard" and "differential" passenger rates In the territory between Chicago and the Atlantic coast. Polish Patriots Arrested. WARSAW. Russian Poland. Nov. 13 Count Tzxzkiewich. editor of the Libiskl. and M. Jantien. a manufacturer, both prominent Polish patriots, were arrested th's mornins. The Governor-General has suspended the Gouirc. a Polish daily paper and Zapadnyjoclos. a Russian daily. "Colonel Bob" Is Dead. CINCINNATI. Nov. 13.-Robert G. Lynn, or "Colonel Rob." one of the most widely known KKrting men and bookmakers book-makers In the country, died last night at the Burnett house of pneumonia. More Money for the Jews. CHICAGO. Nov. 13. -A tivlty In every section of the citv added $T6nl yestetday to the local fund for the relief of Jews l-i Russia. The total amount has rea ?hcd $2ti.Si!. |