Show I SURPRISES IN BANK BANH INDICTMENTS I W YORK Dec 10 It 10 It Is confidently expected that tho the third lot of or Indictments found b by the Kings count county grand hrand jury as asa asa a a. result of or the tho investigation of ot tho the Brooklyn banks and trust companies will willbe willbo be bo presented d to tho the court today Those who aro are in touch with the banking situation situation situation sit sit- sit sit- in Brooklyn believe bellove there will be he several sC surprises for the public when whey tho the Indictments are aro returned The Investigation of or the Borough bank tho the Jenkins Trust company compan tho the Williamsburg Wil- Wil Trust company the tho International International Trust company and the Brooklyn bank are b by no means finished and It is thou thought ht that a fourth lot o of Indictments will bo be found before final adjournment |