Show STATI TRIES TO CONNECT I LAWRENCE L WITH N Of O i ij j EARL S. S iN O DEN I Witnesses T Testify I to Belief That ThI One M n Coo Could Not Have the Injuries jures i iI in inI I fight With Boj I Phenomena Special to Th Tel Telegram OGDEN DEO DEC 10 IMPORTANT TESTIMONY TENDING TO CONI CONNECT CONNECT CON CON- I EDWARD LAWRENCE WITH THE KILLING BILLING OF DR EARL S S. S BEERS IN THIS CITY LAST SEPTEMBER SEP WAS VAS SECURED PROM FROM WITNESSES FOR THE STATE THIS MORNING A NUMBER TESTIFIED THAT BEERS WAS VAS IN GOOD PHYSICAL PHYSICAL CAL CONDITION AT THE TIME OF THE FATAL FIGHT AND THAT UNDER UNDER UN UN- DER DEE ORDINARY CIRCUMSTANCES HE SHOULD HA HAVE VB PUT UP A aO GOOD D FIGHT IN HIS illS OWN DEFENSE It was clearly dearly evident ident from the qu questions ques asked by District Attorney Halverson Hal Hal- verson that his purpose was to show that the injuries which are aro alleged to have caused the death of Bee Beers Beer were wera inflicted in- in m. m by moro more than one person This second person could be no other than Lawrence Jia who was was the only person person present at nt the fatal Ital fI light fight bt besides s the tho theman theman m man n killed and Walker Detective On Stand The first witness Hn ss called this morning was Detective T J. J F F. Pender Mr r. r Pender Pendor Pen Pen- dor ler testified to in ht having gone ne to the tho hospital hospital hos hos- pital after tho the death of Beers and in ha having secured the clothing which Beers I is alle alleged cd to have hae worn at the time Hmo of tho f light ht I Otto H. H Hosin Housing a photo photographer j identified pi pictures of or the dead man which he had bad taken at nt the jug ing establishment after Beers' Beers bod body had bad been taken there Dr A A. A P P. Hibbs testified that h he had kno known D Beers for about two years cars that he had bad seen him after ho camo came to O Ogdon Og Og- don and that he be considered Beers Boers an athlete II lie e said paid that thal Beers weighed from lf HiO 0 to pounds and und that his hiB physical condition was good when ho hosa sa saw him hint a few days daR before the tho fatal fight Frank It n. Beers tho a aged el father of Dr Boers Beers testified as t to the ago aJro of bi his hisson hisson son Ion and as to bi his physical condition when he last saw him It was good at al that time TIe TIo also testified to harin come to O Ogden en and taken the bod body o ohis or of his son fon east where it was buried No tN 0 cross examination cross examination announced d Attorney Hutchinson at the conclusion of the testimony of ot Mr sr Beers rifle Tillio R. R Beers wi widow w of ot Dr Beers was 8 the thc next witness 8 called Mrs Beers testified briefly as to havin having visited via vis ite her husband h at the hospital after his injury to his death and the arran arrangements arrangements ar ar- ar- ar ran for sending the body easland east easl and of her having havin accompanied it and attended the funeral She declared that on tho day da of the fight Dr Beers Deers was in good physical condition Mrs Beers in Hurry Mrs Mra rK left the witness 8 box hox suddenly soil sud denly as tho district attorney closed his direct examination and before tho the at at- for Cor tho the defendant noticed her hel absence sho she was gone As soon as they di discovered ered co that sho she had bad lot lof loft the courtroom court courtroom room Mr Hutchinson asked ked that ho she be bo brought hack back A bailiff went to th the hall hail lint but Mrs Boers Beers had left the building build build- jn ing ing Judge Jud o Howell t at ut once ordered a bench warrant arrant to bo be issued lor tho the thorit wit wit- ness hess 51 Mrs B Boors ers r returned to the tho courtroom courtroom court court- room a n short hort l time m. m later but hut counsel for forthe forthe forthe the defendant announced that thc they would rail call her hor later Edith Hull tho year old vear old daughter of ofIr Mr Ir and nud Mrs W F F. F Hull was the thc last Jast w witness called this morning n Miss Hull to testified t to having heard the tun struggle lo in in tho the room below I that hat in which she he hc and her mother were wore Sun Sho hA heard a voice pleading for nn and thol thought ht the was bring badly ballI ball bail ly lv injured injure She Sho ran to th the front window window window win win- dow o of the Hull and amid called for help |