Show THE ARMOUR TEAM ABROAD We all rea read last Jul July how Armours Armour's great team of six horses took all the first prizes at the horse shows in England and Scotland The holiday number number number num num- ber of the tho Bre Breeders Breeders' ders' ders Gazette has hns a beautiful picture picture pic pic- ture turc of the team and a sketch of the driver Mr Ir Wales Vales of how he breaks horses and of his liis triumphs abroad The rhe horses are matched grays and weigh about a ton each When he appeared in the ring at Olympia before the king and queen there were many man English teams on exhibition Guineas Guiness Co had three lorries two horses tandem tandem tandem tan tan- dem to each one man on the box and one leading leading- six bix men with three lorries The Yorkshire and Lancashire Railway company had six sit bay Shire horses hitched to one lorry with two pairs of shafts and swing team trace chains hitched to them lead team traces hooked in swing team traces and a man manto manto manto to each horse Sir Cuthbert had four Suffolk punches hitched tandem to one Jorr lorry and two men managed them by word and walked alongside of them one b by y the lead horse and one by the shaft horse There was a showing of two twenty by four different firms each cach having a style of his own All paraded once then the home-bred home horses were all turned out of the ring the gates were closed against the tho Armour Armour Ar Ar- mour teams team's going out and the driver was as told to go ahead and do o some fancy faney driving ing The jam of people around the Armour horses was so 80 great that police had to clear the way In front of the Ule royal roal box they had laid a whole lot of sod down in the arena leaving roads through it on which it was designed to drive the high highl steppers in pairs and singles ingles When the king piped Wales off offlie off he lie went round the track and with tho the big six turned in among the sod od and he lie says sass I HI made every turn of it without cutting an inch off the tho edge of or the an and when I got a moment to glance at the tho big box the king was sure enjo enjoying ng it it He had neverseen never seen i six big horses han handled led from the box before and and it iL sure did seem to tickle him hint down where 1 h he le lives while the applause given him by bj the people present was something I had never neel heard before But ut the most interesting part of the story is the description of how he breaks a team of six SlL to make l them work vork to together Iles first drives dries the wheelers heelers until the they know knout him perfectly and what he wants of tI thorn them c and learn to obey Then he driy drives s the thc leaders leaders lead lead- ers cn in is the same way war on a rig by hy themselves until they too know knew him and learn leant what he wants and to obey obey- him Then he lie puts them in the lead o of the wheelers and finishes the training Then rhen the swings arc are manipulated the same way and the team is complete com com- lie says ays it requires no end of patience but when the team is broken they never nevel forget H He G thinks the wheelers must be e most level headed for sometimes when tho the leaders are swinging on the therun therun run Furl they have to stand almost still Again he says I swings and leaders must be hard mouthed that a o tender mouthed hor horse e in the swing will spoil a team Reading the account one almost wishes that Sagebrush f or Curly Bill or Hank Monk j could be back with one of or their old coach teams to enter the li lists at the next London horse show Six Sig I horses turning on oli the de dead run and then nearing ln the royal box just a swift t gathering of the reins I a tip with Avith the toe on the brake bral and a single Eh Eli and every every- in an au instant stopped as though transfixed 0 but that was staging |