Show f S Si YOU i LOVE The fragrance of ot ota ofa 1 a cup of really fine fino tea Try 9 fee eQ e Crown i Il Natural Japan Tea Tean and uncolored n is pure pare A I r 1 Y YA r rv A v Rill find find extraordinarily l gs in Shoes and bc be Slippers appreciated more i g i you can give fI Back Rack Shoes f'S wh while c in n a class o of oft f fI I 1 t patterns an and r up to the tho u minU minute te transaction n 14 backed l Money Back Cost ost no more than thon nth aUl- JI I ake kc your XI Xmas nits pm- pm h. h the they can be he exU ex- ex U lJ y time lime after the holi- holi l i DAVIS SHOE SHUF r CO WRITE RITTEN lAW uw THER TOO Oklahoma Legislature May Follow Utah's Lead by Enacting a Statute Justifying Justifying Justi Justi- Certain Homicides A bill has been introduced in tho the present session of or tho the Oklahoma legislature legisla ture the tho fir first t le legislature in the now ne state to make mako the unwritten un law Jaw so so- called a written law on tho statute books booM The Indianapolis News and other other oth oth- er newspapers comment upon this thus proposed pro pro- proposed posed apparently regarding iD it lt an ae unique and original nal But if tho the Oklahoma legislators le take this action they will only h he following the tho lead of Utah where e the tiro unwritten law Jaw is really a written law law- Tho Utah statute statute- reads Homicide Homicide Homicide- is is l justifiable when committed in the tho heat hat of passion caused b by the attempt of any such offender to defile his wife dau daughter sister mother or oth r r female fem relative or dependent or when the tho defilement has actually be been n committed The Jho Tho homicide appearing to be he justifiable or excusable the tho indicted indicted in in- must ii hou ins his trial trial bo fully acquitted acquitted ac acquitted ac- ac quitted and aud discharged cI In commenting upon tho the question of oC J legislation tho Indianapolis News says Fays Only Only tho ho other day ay a 11 man in this town ton was was acquitted of lf murder in m n the taCA of tho the clearest proving th the k killing Yesterday a woman yens WAS acquitted acquitted ac ac- ac- ac quitt quitted d in Washington apparently on the ground round that the shun man deserved what what ha he got Several l months ago arro there was va a n M oase oe of the tho sawn sort port gin In Vir Vir- Virinia ginia inia last ast 1 winter it was wan found fOUK im im- im impossible possible los to g t a im jury that would convict convict con con- convi vi vict ct Hurry Thaw thou though h ho he ii un undoubtedly i h edl edly killed Whit and though h he him- him soli oll Belf insisted that lie ilo ho was perfectly sane ane when hI ho did s PlO po n. n The Those Thos o arn arA only only a Sew few of or the tho cases of fit this sort ort It ti 13 is s practically impossible to convict con a person portion who killi another in a case caM in in which tho the supposed honor of a woman is is involved in oven o tho the mo most t indirect way War Not ani only that but it i is easy ouy under uDder our our present pres pres- present ent law of evidence to get Jet thin thi woman question into any 1113 an case case that comes comesup up If we are aro to allow allo this nc new nest ch i it ou ought to be ho a n lc legal defense limited and restrained b by the provisions provision of theIn the tho law mw And Anil rules rules should should be he laid laid do down clown pre tho the way in which it shall bo o pro proved pro vela V o a can can at least ho bo hon honest in thin business If the ri right of frio private private vate at vm vengeance ii is to bo ho reco recognized it should nh on Id ho bo embodied in the thc law law of tile tho holand lan land Pil Piles es Cured Free Got Rid of ot Your Piles Palos Right Bight Now Pyramid Pile PUo Cure Cure- Can Do It Quickly and Painlessly FREE PACKAGE SENT TO PROVE IT Piles is if a f fearful disease but easy to euro cure if you go fo at it right I IAn An operation with the tho knife is dan dangerous cruel humiliating h and sary sarv Pyramid Pile file has han cured the worst form fonn of piles known Wo Vo prove prone it By every mall w wo we o get ct letters like this thin Wishing to hive give ive credit where cre credit it is ill duo due I foal it mv my duty duly to humanity humanity- ns as we well I as in yourselves to write Tito you regarding re rev garding r your pile pilo remedy I 1 have 0 not J in ury my first box hox unit and am now well After the tho first treatment of Pyramid Pyram Pile Cure Curo the lite hort soreness nt ss left and the swellings R huv have kept kert decreasing I 1 also aillo used your r p pills nail and am am f feeling peli n like myself again nin Thanking you kindly Iam I 1 Iam am yours jours truly C C- LO Oth OthAve H HAy Ay Ave Seattle rush Wo Vo do not Jot ask k you to take tako our nUl word Wn W oro willing th that t you should try tr our treatment and ond decide for yourself Send to tho Pyramid Drug Co 1 93 3 Pyramid Building Marshall Mich and ancl you on will receive a free trial package h by return mail After have used the th you eon eon- i touts tents ten ts of this pM package c you rou ca can cau u secure exactly the same med medicine from auy druggist t f for 50 cents or or on ou receipt of or price lairs wo we will mail y you n same amp our if IC he lie should not have ha It it You Yon coo go o rj right hl ahead with your work and aud bo ho cas easy and anu comfortable comfortable- all un the tho lime tin Isn't l it worth wurth trying Thousands have been en cured in this and inexpensive l i inthe in iu easy painless H wn way the privacy uc of their own hom home No Xu torture N No Nu bills hilll Send today todar I I. I Sic Siegel cl diamond broker 17 So I Main nin Advances o tho the most charges the least Every E body speaks well of Davis back MonoS Shoo Shoo methods method Dr S. S Ewing Offices Office Removed to snits finite Brooke Arcado Arcade opposite Knutsford Hotel DR DH MAYO HEADS THE COUNTY MEDICOS Dr II H N N. Mayo Iao was elected president of or the tho Salt Lake County Count Medical association association tion at n a meeting of or that or organization last night n at nt tho the Commercial club Tho The ThoI I meeting was attended by n a largo large num number cr croC of oC pr pill who expressed sell their satisfaction at nt tho the work ork of or tho the last ad td- td ministration m The Tho other officers orr cle elected were were- Vice president Dr A. A C C. Behle secretary tary Dr W. W Brown Ewing treas treas- uror Dr C. C C C. Snyder censor Dr f K E. D. D Hammond Drs Ewing ln an and Snyder were weN re elected i t l l lr mT m T j er erf 3 f rr V f 4 If DS D'S no 1 It is is fa impossible o to R ea 1 Whiskey W prod produce ucc the rare flavor Bavor delicate mellowness and bouquet of Sunny Brook THE PURE FOOD Whiskey 0 It is all nil natural natura 1 v whiskey distilled distilled and aged in the good old honest Kentucky way war Each bottle bears the Government Go Green Orcen t 1 Stamp a positive assurance of full Cull age Sc proof and quantity All First Class Dealers Deniers Sell It SUNNY BROOK DISTILLERY CO Jefferson Count County Ky THE F. F J. J G ODEN DEN UTAH AFi AFif r ty tyr Q G h OY O Y R f ll BREAD j r Q J gi To eo the other famous varieties ROYAl r n of bread bake balk ha have recently recent recent- we c we Are Ye rc r P Q ly 1 added In Ill its RM have haye reached the r making we ure very o zenith of perfection 1 in i good rood R rl h LI bread Y Your dealer knows 1 OReAl I ROYAL BAKING BASING CO BR AD AD aY I r D YA l Y I Y i iLLA I a oJ s lz A LLA BallAD BRIM BREAD I BREAD IL REA JJ Bg AD I r L r T rOO n. n I n Has lIas Removed to 28 W. W 3rd South St St. Rooms 1 12 2 3 34 4 5 THE KNOWLEDGE OF i DISEASE IS HALF ITS CURE IF IT ALL AM WHO ARE IN NEED OF A SPECIALIST WILL CALL ON I ME FIRST YOU WILL NOT HAVE SO MANY DOCTOR BILLS TO PAY S. S W 84 YEARS IN EN SALT LAKE LADE CITY I Dr C. C e W. W Higgins w r k THE MICROS MICROSCOPE I ri UR SPECIALIST i Is I the only Scientific Specialist t tIn In Salt Luke Lake City using th the ml- ml ky 4 to form torm his diagnosis t r i He lie will toll each and every ery one on on f or lIC t you Just what your our disease le is h. t without any Information from you ho lie w Ui tell you OU all about your IIO isca o better than you can cantell i te tell teal l It yourself By tho the u use of ot the MICRO MICROSCOPE SCOPE we ca can cm n detect Calcut Cancerous Matter Carbonate 0 of t tE Albumen and nil all extraneous I E ous OUI substances mixed nixed with tho the Urine or Blood This Thin Is the scientific scion eclen t 4 I j tide principle of ot treating Chronic Diseases amI and Private Just Juht call and tee see for yourselves I M V ESTABLISHED LISh 1 ONE ONE- PR CE TO ALL NEVER UN UNDERSOLD OLD 4 U rv Our Wednesday Specials are Extra Special And they are a strong inducement for far v you you to make your purchases tomorrow WEDNESDAY ONLY G a tz 4 Childrens Children's O Bearskin Coats of these magnificent bearskin coats for tor children up tip to 6 years White and colors 1 w wt t The kind that sells regular for T t only 2 37 w. v of rI W 5 5 and 6 6 Waists at 8 rn and ro rot t Another lot of ot those handsome batiste and albatross albatross al al- dd 4 batross waists Beautiful designs in cream ecru and blue All sizes Come early 1 Wednesday Wednes get ono of ot y these then and ands s v p O 2 tl 45 AC and 1 i 9 t FOR WEDNESDAY ONLY 4 4 Gray Blankets ets at a pair air 60 Pair Sanitary gray wool wool mixed mixed Blankets with soft smooth nap and and guaranteed not to shrink shrink lO 4 10 size sizo measure inches weigh 4 1 lbs Ihs f last regular at a 4 pair pair Wednesday as s long I as they 3 WEDNESDAY Y ONLY Boys Boys' Panas as Sale Sale values value 1 3 R mc o C 1 P O 8 P fl IL NEWS L Advantage of the Rain Coat It is is of equal value as a protection from 1101 wind iud rain snow the cold and at the t tc c same time thue is one of the r dressiest garments for mens men's tx w wear For POl style e and q quality the tho f Gardner kind have up Ito equal x 1 Prices 12 12 15 15 18 20 20 25 0 t 30 30 an and d 35 3 35 k 41 Christmas Buying Is On n nE Even Een E en now early shoppers a ors are 1 numerous They The a are lC taking b ud advantage vantage of Ot t com complete 1 lines selecting lines selecting while Willie varieties a are rc fresh and nu nu- For men one of the thc most popular articles for gift purposes is the Smoking Jacket c The Thc Gardner store has them in an elegant nt assortment as HS- of patterns frotH front 6 G to 1350 O IE R IC iv 1 TH S 0 Ri Early Xmas Shoppers Will get a a. discount of 10 per cent to 25 26 p per r cent cant on Diamonds watches jewelry silverware fino fine cut glass t fancy nc clocks beautiful ornamented va o os toU toilet t and md manicuring sets military brushes opera glasses and on everything pe pertaining ning to a Jewelry store stole YOU WILL FIND OUR PRICES e r 50 0 aoi o TO o LOWER THAN THE LOWEST A El small lall d deposit posit will accuro secure any article at the lowest pric prices Engraving dona done free roe A mitten guarantee with every sale that goods hoods are arc as represented 0 or mone money refunded II L SIE t EL Jeweler eler SOUTH MAIN N STREET K- K 1 1 To get quick action on your merchandise advertise in inTHE inTHE inTHE THE TELEGRAM r |