Show EY ty STRINGENCY I BILL INTRODUCED 1 Dec 10 ln In In th time the senate I 1 Included d I lh th h following following- of ot New Nets York York For For nation nallon- illon of or Including 41 1 au of incorporatIon lI To To relieve the thc pies pieis- Ky 57 stringency an and prevent its reIt re- re 1 It II permits persons owning any tf 1 the Uie United States to deposit I i lb the treasury and receive recel notes mount amOunt equaling their par r value i 1 that until February I 1009 09 Ding one or more bales of ot ota nay a It it In III a depository id d b by time the Secretary of the time ti- ti rt-e rt lr treasury Q notes to time the e c cx- cx it l lr r cent trot of or orth tl th tIme y of or thu th th- I I u If 11 rot rt r l the time cotton culton Rhall If ih the Government GO Tho The bill al also o I Ia Is a r ty on dealing lit In cotton o M oi fine fino or the five years years' im JL tot Nellon n Allowing na national ha 11 a Moni to tu loan bait their funds on an t Is II and lands lani to 10 third one o of the he I Ito IJ amending tile the national It vi l w so a all sq to more moore clearly define deOne I I become a bankrupt r. r El Ci oot Granting Ij acres aeres of or i di I tI o bona 1 na Ode nde homestead set set- nth of or which must rn be Je putt put t d during the t year of or I r. r prO e 4 ing or a It for N New Mexico I |