Show I I SNAP SHOTS AT HOME NEWS Says They Stole Shoes T Two o men their names name as Wil II liam Brown Drown and Thomas Hatfield wore yoro arrested last 1 night b by Officer Cumin Curran on ona onn a n charge charge- of or potty pou lareen larceny It is alleged that the they stole two pair of or Rho shoes from Israels Israel's store on Commercial street Dr Benjamin Improved Dr Benjamin who has bc bee been n seriously Iti III with typhoid fever fe Is b much Improved cd today V Fire Back of oC Store A fire firo which promised to be of a II disastrous disastrous trous nature n discovered d yesterday afternoon about 5 o'clock in re rear r of or orthe the lloyd Boyd Park jewelry store South Main street A few gallons of chemicals put tho the out It nas waa caused b by care l on the part of someone In n throwing throw throw- In ins ing either a lighted d match or a cigarette into a 11 box of or waste paper I Postpone Baptist Social Tho The social which was to bo I given en by Baptist church women at tho the home of or Sire C J J. J tonight has baa huleen been leen postponed Salt Lakers In Chicago The following residents residents' of or Salt Loko o City registered in Chicago o hotels yesterday yester dR day Theodoro Theodore Bough P. P F. F Brown Ira Hoglund John A A. Ba Earle Bagley I Mr lr and Mrs Irs A A. A Fred Wey C CV V. W. II H. King Chairman Oh At a meeting ot of th lh executive executive- committee commit commit- tee tee- of ot the Saloon Anti league Q in Ia tho the of office or- or fice fico of or Frank B. B Stephens n Judge Jud p. p William H. H Kin King was rus named as s chairman of the committee Dining Car Head Hero E. E T. T Dempsey superintendent of ot tho time dining car of ot th the Denver t Rio Klo Grande In Ii lAIn Jn Salt Lake City ton tin a visitor visit of or inspection I Woo Woods Cross Man Ian Dies Andrew Andre Grant 44 H years old died at t th the i Latter day Faints Faints' after an operation operation ope ope- ration for appendicitis lie IIo lived cd In Woods Cro Cross s V Given Farewell Party A farewell wn party pirty van given last night in the llon Eln ward assembly haU hall for Jordan r Nl N. Stockman who ho will leave leavo In afew are a afew few re redaS days daS on a Mormon lormon mission to the southern stater Thatcher Blames Miners l George W W. Thatcher o 0 former resident of or this city who ho Is now located in Tono- Tono pah Nev Xe Is a a. visitor to this city Speaking Speak ing of or the labor troubles In Mr Thatcher blamed th the leaders of or th the miners min mm- ers COrS 1 5 for or tho time presence of ot United t States g troops in that camp Forfeited His Bond Boud Governor Allen a a. negro well 11 known in n police poUce circles to answer to his hilS name namA yesterday afternoon when hen It TW was called lie was charged d with drunkenness drunken drunken- ness flees as usual Ho lie apparently felt relt that It was not necessary Far for Cor him to put In Inan inan inan an appearance Ho JIa had hail a R. 5 bond od up and b by falling failing to pp L appear t r ho forfeited that I II I IJohn I Mashed His IUs Hand Haud John Major an arm employee eat t at the thC Inland I Crystal refinery n plant was as brought b I to the Holy 1101 Cross Croas hospital with one of ot othis 1 his hands badly badh manned rho Tho was wan received I while he was wan attempting to adjust l a 11 rapidly r revolving bolt bolL Amputation Amputation Amputation I tation I is thought not necessary ar New Oases Cases of Disease two Thirty cases calles of or contagious disease were era reported to the health department nt Of or these thelo seventeen sc wore are of ot measles four tour pneumonia one onn spinal mon mon- three four tour scarlet fv fY r. r two typhoid or fe and ono one Iberia theria Forgery Is IB Charged A complaint Is la In th the hands handl of ot the tho sheriff office n against Frank Frnnk charging him with having passed a worthless check for on Ziegler Bros Broe of or Comm Commercial street et Tho The check was wan drawn on th the National bank of Ogden and W was lJJ el signed n ri K Kumata Kamata Kamata I who ho is a 11 Japanese laborer el has mone money in tho bank It Is claimed forged tho the name Dr Bucher Out Again Actor nn an illness of or ral weeks Dr W. W II Bucher is Irs able to lo ho about again S. S V. V Dorrah Improved S S. V. V Derrah assistant freight agent of or orthe the Denver Rio Grande railway who has hns been suffering Buffering for tor some some limo with pneumonia is 18 reported ported to bo much munch im Im- proved Install New Officers Lynds chapter No 1 1 1 tIme Order of ot th the th FA Eastern Star will hold an Installation of or I officers in the tIme Masonic temple Friday i night Death of A. A J. J rUnt Flint Abel J Flint died tiled yesterday of or appen appendicitis n. n I kat nt mit the tho Latter day Saints Saints' hospital l. Time Tho 0 funeral tl will bo be hold from Iho ho Ten l- l ty cOl ward meeting house tomorrow afternoon at Want Irrigation Water Thomas A. A J and A. A Billings both of oC Fremont Way no county f Application Ap au- 11 yesterday In Jn thu tho engineers engineer's engi engl- neer's office for five ri cubic feet of or water to bo ho taken from Polk crock creek Wayne to bo be u used cd In tho Irrigation of oC acres of or land Earl Eail Is Voll Well Again Idaho Falls Ida Ira Post T I- I M. M J. J Earl Jr returned yesterday est morning from tron Salt all Lake Lako City where ho spent pent tho the past two weeks wook In time the Holy Cross hospital having undergone an nn operation for tor appen appen- Ho lie says na ho never felt bettor better in bin imis life lire nn and ho hears bears out the statement nt Ills HIt mother returned with whim him Do Your Shopping Now V The stores of or tho the city n never nel el lo looked more inure n attractive I t than the they do today U By fly Bytho tho ho WU way have e you ou attended to yom lr Christmas shopping c yet ct Now Now- Is I a good time to eco to It it She Sho Has 1135 Pneumonia Sa Says tho Mammoth Record Dr and Mrs have o gono gone to Salt SnIt Lako Lake City with their little daughter r who la is from a severe attack of pneumonia monia and if sr she is 13 not Improved in a aday aday aday day or 01 two thoy expect to tako taio her to southern California S STo To Undergo Operation Joseph Williams of ot Pocatello tello Ida underwent un un- un derwent nt an operation at the Holy Cross hospital today It was his seventh ro op operation operation operation op- op for tal bladder trouble Mrs Will Will- lame lama accompanied her husband to this city Much Steel Arrives Within tho the last ton days seven forty carloads of or for tho time skyscrapers sky- sky scrapers havo have arrived ed in tho the city Spend Winter Here W W. J J. J Kitch has arrived in the tho elt city from lda Ida and will spend the time sinter winter win sin t In ter here here- Observe Death Anniversary Alphonao Alphonso Baudot's pIn play Lei Lea Absents will vili be given Riven by the the- modern language circle cir dr cIa cle of or tho the University of ot Utah Thursday afternoon In commemoration of or tho time anniversary anni anal- or of tho the death of or tho the author Why Go to toV V Washington The Tho Washington 1 Star which evidently c wishes that t tho time shooting and the tho trial had hud boon hero Instead of ot In Washington says fays Now that tho the Bradley Bradle case caso Is over o it might not be be- too much to oak juk with grievances requiring homicidal adjustment adjust adjust- ment to settle them in their own com corn Gold Medals Here The Tho gold Jold medals a awarded d at nt tho the last state to fair have ha arrived d here and will bo be distributed b by Horace Ensign tho the s secre secre- cr tar tary Interested According to the newspapers there old soldiers in Ogden Osden and Weber count county generally generally gen gem are greatly interested in the movement move o ment mont which started here her for the tho organization tion Uon of oC a 1 chapter of or tho the Loyal Loal Legion In Utah Miss Hoyt Improving Miss olin Anna Hoyt who underwent an operation op op- oration for or appendicitis In Hol Holy 1101 hospital a few weeks ago 81 J I is slowly Im Improving Improving improving Im- Im proving at her homo home In Wyo Dob Debate With Boulder University l students tu have hare arranged two annual debates te with tho the University of Colorado and horn hope to havo have better luck than in tho football gamo game a a. few fow woks weeks ago aso The first debato debate will bo bl in this tide city next February and th th other ono one In Boulder Boulder has I suggested thIs thin subject Re Resolved oJ ed That the pr present distribution distribution dis dis- of ot power between n federal and eta state to governments Is not adapted d to modera modern mod mod- ern era conditions and calls calL for readjustment In tho the direction of or tion At Home in Evanston Mr and Mrs John 1 K Graff Craff who ho were married in this city a few toW weeks ago ar are arenow arenow now at homo hompe In n West Veat Main street Ev- Ev Wyo 0 Mrs Bradley to Return A from Washington ton says fays that Mrs Anna M- M L Bradley accompanied b by her Imer t two o children will leave iea eave W Washington t Thursday for this city Sh the She will remain hero here at least leant until the Iho troubles 5 In Goldfield Goldfield Gold Gold- field have ended Friends In Washington contributed funds for or the th traveling tra ex expenses expenses ex- ex and It Is reported that thal Judge Judge- O. O W. W Po Powers ort offered to assume tho the cost of or conto contesting the will of or Arthur Brown n Accused of oC For Forgery ory George Maycock of oC Springy lII t was ll ar arr arrested arrested ar- ar r rested sted last night by Officer Doly on a charge chargo of or tor forgery ery Ho He was taken by lIy a 11 officer this morning back to his home hODle whore where ho he will bo be tried Maycock May May- cock is 18 tho the son of or John E. E Maycock a prominent man of or southern Utah It is alleged that thit Saturday time tho young young- man forged his fathers father's name to two checks and after passing them at a saloon left tho time city |