Show RIGHT OFF THE BAT I Tho The Salt Lake Lako bike riders In the New NewYork NewYork York Tork six day race rare are having haJn bum luck The whole crowd Is ono one lap behind Wilcox Wll- Wll 11 COT cox Samuelson Mitten McDonald Lawson Lawson Lawson Law- Law son Hopper and Hardy Downing are all an trailing along along- behind tho the game but hut thc they have not given on up hope of or landing the tho prize yet rh They will all continue to stay with It I TIll The last of 01 th the university Interclass I football games gl will bo be played on CumI Cummings Cum- Cum II I field tomorrow afternoon The Time freshmen and senior teams will tight light It out for tho silver trophy The university announces thal that It will not enter tho the basketball league this year ear That nearly nearh breaks the tho hearts of ot the tho other other other oth oth- er schools Utah mad made such aj aI a good showing last Jast 3 year lr The Tho next basketball go win will b be Saturday Saturday Satur Satur- da day between tho the Y T. M. M C. C A A. of this city and Md tho the Young university bunch hunch at Provo Prove Th fh The duck hunters huntor ar are walling waiting for snow When hen the time lakes flakes b begin ln to fall tall the gatts Batts will be out In full fo force fora and the they ap expect ct to show tho the feathered beauties a a. good oo time Moran anI and Attell have signed articles for lor a scrap for lor the weight loather championship championship cham cham- to bl be held N New w Years Year's day In San Francisco |