Show NEW YORK DOESN'T INTEND TO HAVE ANY BLUE SUNDAYS NEW EW YORK Dec 10 Thore Thoro Is Iseo even eo prospect that New Yorks York's Intensely ely Muo Sundays un laR will end with tho the first on one Tho The board of ot aldermen will meet today and there thore will foe be Introduced an nn ordinance which will In so far as nR tho the power of ot tho the i board reaches give Rh amusement seekers r I at nt least something to do on ott Sunday S Tho The state law 11 prevents performances on the stage stace hilt but theme theto s to 10 l be tie i I pr ij on I In the tho statutes or In the tho elt city charter I I which pr prevents vonta concerts eIther cither vo vocal al or ori i Instrumental ne t u i-u mental i The Tho ordinance which the tIm aldermen n will willbo willlie bo lie naked asked d to pa pass pais today will allow con con- conI I U Ports corts suck such as ns those usually given Riven at the tho two opera houses housos tho the symphony cor cor- cor coq coq- cortI corta given n b by the time DamrO Damrosch ch orchestra nt at Carnegie lo hall ball and will wilt allow moving shows and arcades to run ruti an M usual I g n a modified sort of at vaudeville will be bo permitted Sf v ral meetings of or h nur-h members have been hell held since Justice O 0 Gorman's Interpretation of time the law was made at which J plans lans were mado made to fight An any modification of at the law Time The sentiment senti- senti I ment of or the tho rits' rits howa however r. r F seems poems to IA be In itt InI I favor or of Ji n reasonable amount of ot Sunday amusement and there thoro seems to bo be every Probability that this will wili b be b s allowed by I the aldermen I |