Show HAM t fORGAVE VE HIM Hill Who I h oT Thought He lie Was of f a J Job ob Was the First Firster g er r of the Ogden iter tr I. I Clark a m member of the aid Oran Orange o Blossoms com com- I J at the Grand thew thea- i of Harry Barry Corson Clark I member of tho the stock comi com corn I i o op nc-d nc tho the Grand was the i lot of tho the first theater opened This was as in tho the fall of 1864 remained until tho the spring The Jle opening bill at the tho O Og- Og fit wiS the Merchant of Yen Yen- fia in addition to being wana manager er c Mr Clark played Shy Shy- Shyr r r. r mark Clark lark talked enter entertaining entertaining- ag n of early theatricals in ln J distinctly my first ta bb JI he ne said sad Salt Lake Lakei i sot not much of a city then even een Salt Lake Cit e ns Great City acting about two 1 years ears in 10 fed ad was Tas 8 enga engaged ed to come here herewith tide with the local company I aeh d here I found that tho they read for mo me laT UI heavy Luvy on my hands cape espo- j I 1111 w was i not very flush tush in the hlis world d. d In those tose days there thero rr i leT fear Gentiles in this city but with some of or them to Gen P P. Edward ties commanding officer at las General Conner pros pre pro s 11 i me to come out to tho the fort 1 with nth a company that thc they I the timo time for my engagement t t it Lake theater Bri Brigham ham card md of m my playing at Fort ort FortI I ibe 1 si 1 he be promptly canceled the tIle bieh I had with the Salt u. u I Iwu was ns up a against it good and several eral thousand miles from tilled unea Gods God's country and had coney I appealed to mon win then manager of the theal al told him just how I was 39 wash h its tn II I got through with my th him ho said 1 dont don't worry orry Ill I'll see sag and see what can beti bo Le ti ij id A day or two o later Ito I Ito to to tako uko dinner with Pres Pres- j tat Jat at his home We talked t lover over for a short timo time and said tuH LI don't dont think that we can use usel l rat but we re are u-c going to open a aen ai i en in a short ort timo time How bi a to 20 JO o up thero there and take lit and ind p pla play lay is y also at times lioness lioness' j I went vent to O Ogden den and opened t there thore in the fall of ofil il 41 little more than forty forty- i 12 ego ago And lot Jet me tell you play played eyed d to business buin WInter inter Why people would miles ea and miles to see n a show is u 8 They would tako take their ken ens or whatever they had bad Z office and got t an order on one e number camber of tickets they ther nm flea ia the tithing office would i and tad the people have what nhat J actually had bad to have |