Show GOLDfiELD TO ADOPT MiNERS MiNERS' CARD SYSTEM GOLDFIELD Nov Dee Dec 10 The lO-The The mInes of Goldfield G are aro to bo be reopened I Thursday Tho wago wage scale scalo is to bo re re- re No member of tho the Western Federation of Miners will bo be employed Men Mon will wili be bo brought here hore to tb tho number num nun ber bar of ot to take tho the places of the tho strikers meanwhile Such i tho the decision of the executive committee committee- of 01 the Mino Mine Owners tion two The change chango o from froni Wednesday I to Thursday was made mado to allow time to get ct men mon from other points hero bore boreto to replace strikers Governor wi will como come to o Thursday The Tho troops now hero vill will be bo scattered through tho the camj amp anti and will practically guard rd the tho mines mine Tho card Tho-card card system 8 as used nt ot Cripple Creek will bo be introduced Frank A. A Keith general manager of tho the Tonopah I Mining company an and other prominent m mining men from tram other camps anh art arc arthero I h hero ro in consultation with the tho tb Goldfield owners I A street brawl took place o on Main I I street at nt noon yesterday n when whon a n mem ber her of tho Western Fc Federation of Minors Mi Mi- Ii i iners nors ners called one ono of ot tho the officers of Undo Uncle I Sam Sams troops troop a n vile n name me Diamond DiamondI I field H Jack Davis Dai who was walking and held him hint until a 8 policeman arrived I An attempt to draw weapons was prevented prevented pre pre- I vented by y bystanders I Late yesterday ye afternoon tho the Gold Gott I field Mine line 0 Owners association issued its ts ultimatum to the minors in Goldfield cl clin in tho hapA of a R set of resolutions I adopted at tho the meeting which had bad been een in pro progress all nn day U These resolutions s embody tho new tho-new new scale scalo of wages 8 to bo be in in 10 vogue vogue- from this time timo on showing mJ a n lowering of the scale of about 20 0 per cent The Tho resolutions adopted aro as fol tol follows follows fol- fol 1 lows 0 of at this district district district dis dis- That the mines n IL scale to ho be r e reopen upon woo wago agreed upon at this meeting Resolved That the tho following rate rato of or WL wages t s be adopted an as the scale to be he paid In tho the mining district by all operators m members mb rs of this association association- Minors Miners 1 l. l from 5 6 machine men 4 from 5 chuck tenders from 5 15 muckers 3 is from rom 5 5 carmen from 5 to top carman carmen from 5 a 5 JI 1 t from 5 R 5 10 UiO from 6 5 5 carpenters carpenters 5 from t 7 ml machin- 5 from fron 6 6 engineers licensed 5 from 6 electricians 5 from 7 1 blackI black black- I smiths 5 SO GO from 6 6 tool sharpeners u 5 from froni 6 6 blacksmith holp helpers rs 4 f from om Ii B. B I surface laborers laborer S 5 50 50 from amid amal am from 5 6 4 4 I from 5 laborers l. l from 5 Union Mon Barred Rt Ut That no member of this association asso asso- elation employ t In or dr around hH hlll mine or orI I around hl hIs i mill U any member of Goldfield Cornfield I local union No O of ot th the tho Western Federation Fedoration Fed Fed- oration of Minors Minor or of ot on any union connected connected con con- on- on with or affiliated with said c WestI West West- t. t I em ern Federation of Miners lIner and that all 11 allmon allmon I mon hereafter employed by any member U of this association in or around his mine mineor mineI or mill milt ho bo required as a condition of or his employment to sign a written contract which contains an nn agreement that the miner Is not now and will pot not bo be boo during U the time ho lie Is worl working a Il member of at the Miners union No of ot the Western Federation of or Miners lIne or of ot a union In or elsewhere that I I directly or Indirectly affiliated with or has nn any connection of ot an any kind nature or ori i I description with said Western estern FederaU Federation Federa Federa- I U tion of Miners Rc Resolved ot ed That mat tho the mines mints of tho the GoldI old Gold I nelll fold mining district resume operations at 7 j a. a m mu on Thursday D December cember 12 12 1907 with men who ho agree to the tho tor foregoing conI conditions conditions con con- I and that alt all old employees of ot the I I members of ot this association be given the preference at all mines providing such employees present th their lr applications application It IteI I I eI either cither ther at the office of ot this association or II nf time the mines formerly employing them I before 7 a. a m. m of Thursday a December cember 12 U. U I 1307 1907 and md that the tho officers of at this association I tion and said Mid mines mine bo ho open for tor tho the pur- pur po pose poo e of ot receiving said aid applications fromI from tram I 9 a a. a m. m to 6 Ii p. p m. m of ot each day until said Bald saidI I timeTo time To Make Living Cheaper Resolved ThAt It H is the sense nse nl of or this I association that time tho cO cost t of living In the mining minIm district be reduced at f atI I le least lt 20 0 per nor cent from what hat It now Is Is and unless this be dons done within a n reasonable time this association will construct and operate a general merchandise store or stores and boarding houses that t will wilt guarantee to the mon men employed In and around tho the mines and mills a r reduction I to this or greater amount WHAT GOLDFIELD THINKS OF TROOPS TROOP'S I That the tue miners' miners union has not th the support sup sup- U port of ot eor every ono one In and that some of ot the business people of or that district district dis dis- dis- dis welcomed the arrival of ot the fed fod- oral troops is shown by the following ln comment made b by tho eld Review While while reports were wera sent pent out broadcast throughout the country that the calling ot of troops troop was 8 1 duo to rioting and blood blood- h f d there there- was absolutely toly no truth to tho the rumors About tho the only depre depredations thus thu far committed have 8 been the pulling of or the pumps PU at t two to or three of tho the mines Th The action In Is really a a. measure as SHI It Is kno known n that some of time the th members of ot the organization are aio bad ones having ha established unsavory ory records In other mining camps camp or E since the minors miners rs went out for tor the third time Urno within the tho last year t r. r there have I been blen rumors that p pOssibly buildings would I Ibo bo be blown blon up af and tires s set t. t It was to offset offset off ort I set any Rny action of ot this kind that the soldIers sol sol- sol sol- diers dices were cre ordered In Then again there ther Is a possibility that some of tho the op operators mft may wish to re resume reume re re- sume ume operations and as the local miners have lIa refused to work It will bo bl necessary to Import men who will In case an any of ot the tho disturbers do not take kindly to tho the I Importations the soldiers will bo be on hand to turn furnish Ish those tho that want to work that protection which the United States government gov hO I t guarantees to every ory citizen In the pursuit of at a peaceful and lawful a avo- avo catlon Just what the plans of the authorities Rt are f cannot be learned rJ as It will probably probably abl ably take a dR day clay or two bo to set up camp and get regulated to local conditions At the present time there Is little litti likelihood that martial law will be declared In fact tact It will wilt not be at all alt unless the agitators got get ugly Several camps will probably bo be established some pome In and around the tho city and others out among the mines lI From certain quarters there thero have been come ome criticisms of ot GO Governor GOrnor Sparks for making a request for tor the tho troops but generally gen geri- ally cm-ally his hili course Is 19 regarded as u being a wise hie and proper ono one With th tb the pictures of ot Co Coeur ur dAlene dAten and Cripple Cro Crock k before bo- bo fore tor his hili vision h he did what hat he ha believed ed to M be right and In m doing s so 60 averted what i L U might have otherwise otherl brou brought ht about dlf- dlf and tragic r results I |