Show Magna Keeps L Lead LeadIn ad adIn I In Legion League 1 AMERICAN LEGION LEAGUE A Standing of the he Teams Trams Won ion Lost Pet Mama Maena 4 0 1000 Chiropractors 3 1 American Legion Lealon 1 1 2 success Market 1 1 3 Neighborhood Sluggers 0 0 3 Mondays Monday's Results Mama 10 Success Market 1 I. Chiropractors 4 NeIghborhood 0 O. Magna retained undefeated leadership leadership leader leader- ship in the American Legion junior baseball league Tuesday downing Success Market 10 1 while Chiropractors Chiropractors Chiro Chiro- beat bea Neighborhood 4 4 0 to I stay in second place M. M Johnson gave S Success but four safeties while his mates males collected nine and made the most of three Success errors The winner pushed seven runs across in the eighth to lo clinch the game Clark limited Neighborhood to four our hits while the winners collected seven off olf Emmerson |