Show PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT GOES ASHORE SHORE AT HILO HILO Hawaii July 25 FLank JP ff Frank Franklin lin un D. D Roosevelt today made at it t. t a. a m. m the first landing of any president president president dent of or the United States on on Hawaiian Hawaiian Hawaiian Ha Ha- soil A huge crowd waved a welcome to the president as he left the navy cruiser Houston which had brought him here by way of Panama Cocos Island and the opposite shore of this island where he stopped yesterday to fish without actually landing Mr Roosevelt did not pause here bu but immediately entered an automobile automo- automo automobile bile for the mile 31 drive to Hawaii national park in which the famous but at present quiescent Kilauea volcano volcano volcano vol vol- cano is loca located ted A fleet of small craft escorted the Houston as she made her way past the breakwater into the crescent crescent- shaped Hilo harbor |