Show American Davis Cup Team Gains Title Round r A r Yanks Beat 1 1 Anzac Crew Cre In England Wood and Shields Cop singles Matches After Suffering Initial Defeats WIMBLEDON England July 25 c S Sidney B. B Wood Jr and Fra Frank V x 4 Shields playing magnificent today won the the- f fi- fi J Ii 3 nal two Kr matches Aus in inthe the ta f- f sL zone rL final ot of DM Davis Davis' j 1 cup play to d- d d t 4 lenge leng vance to the me s r o Ou u n d' d 4 t against J Wood first fint d de w 1 1 v L f e a t e d dCrawford Jark HM i j Crawford rd c ace c Jt m II the Aussie AUSle y 8 2 J 97 4 6 4 IIi I II I Jj M match postponed t 4 rj i Z from irons from yesterday j rain and Rh t M Sid V Woods 0 th then n Put over t th clincher against young Vivi Vivian l McGrath f 6 8 62 tt 64 Hi They met England for the cup in ln a match five iv match serI series J Saturday and Tuesday continuing Monday nd l ot It was was Jhc fifth time Ume the u U- U lr States had won to the challenge roun round romS since losing Josing the cup to France when 1927 Only in 1931 1031 and last Lut year yu e In England defeated them in t the had they failed to gain the final round of ot the international nis ms competition l Wr t lebo r ills HU Greatest Tennis k Wood played the greatest his life lite in defeating Crawford th the s worlds world's ranking player a year ago Leading by two sets to none rain halted play yesterday Sidner SIdne started unsteadily to drop the third and fourth sets to Crawford tJi thai 1 rallied to run out the last set for 1 tory 6 62 VS jf Shields never gave e a McGrath McGrat A a chance from the opening game he le won at love k keeping the ball awa from the Australian youngsters youngster's de dec v two listed backhand which had brought Woods Wood's downfall Satur Satur- 4 da day I Comparable t to French Rally It wa was an amazing rally by the Americans losing the first two angles an- an sni matches and then coming back to take three straight J 1 George M M. Lott Jr and Lester St j f fen started the American comeback with a set four victory over Crawl Crawfort ord and Adrian QuIst in doubles Monday 6 4 6 64 6 4 6 4 6 46 6 6 M. The only parallel to their feat at least in recent years was the Frencl Frenc stand in 27 when Henri Cochet andRene and Rene Lacoste won the cup from rom BIZ Big Bill Tilden and Little Bill Job Johnson a by scoring victories in the final Vo to singles matches |