Show PEOPLE t EO AND AND By B FRED BAGBY of Mining r The year 1869 saw the real b begin begin- gm big g of mining operations operations' and the te of ore from Utah While Vh e ic directory of that tha y year lr doesn doesn't t list liei ln n names mes of the first mining opera- opera rs rs Woodhull Bros other re records how ow O that thai the first ore shipped snIpped from tah was shipped on Sunday JUl July 25 ay y Woodhull Bros from the Monitor md nd Magnet mine in Little ittle Cot Cot- canyon canon The shipment waso was 10 o 0 tons Urns of ot silver lead or ore and while e t. t wo Id be considered very small in d rn rn days this was a ii big ship- ship ent for those times And too too the there there ire re re was said to have been very rich richi i silver sliver In those days the ore had to be by liy ox team down the canyon through thi Salt Lake City and to Ogden Og- Og Iden den tien where it was loaded on 01 the tr train in f San Francisco The Union Pacific land and nd Southern Pacific tracks had just been brought together at Promontory Prom Prom- ij a little earlier in that that- year l i and rid d this made possible the thc rail ship ship- merit 1 Woodhull i Bro Bros Bros were lat I g properties not only in the i Little Cottonwood district but butT T also aio in lri the Bingham canyon n and ana It is recorded that they shipped 10 10 tons Ions of r copper oie ore fr from m Bingham canyon on on Saturday Satur Satur- day da July Joly 31 of that year This was as th the first shipment of copper ore ore and was made from the Kingston King King- I ston ton mine nUne b tn in the meantime the Utah Central Cen Cent ral was bein being built from Ogden t to Salt Lake City and it is re recorded recorded re re- corded that on January 12 1870 L Woodhull Bros made the first f carload shipment of ore over this road In A August of 1870 we find that S. S D D. D Woodhull member of the firm of Woodhull Bros was In Little Cottonwood canyon can yon during an In Inal al altercation over a ruining mining claim and he died from this his following lollo day The record does not indicate who killed d the states state's pioneer minin mining operator The Walker Family Right Bight at the top of the thc list of WV Ws find e the thc names of members of the Talker alk family prominent mer merchants hants ankers and mining men Ill i important part in th the develop develop- neat ent of business i industry and bank bank- rig ng ig i in Utah First we wc find that D. D F. F Walker Valker vas as a member of the firm of Walker Brothers rot ers wholesale general merchandise mer mer- chandise east side of ot East Temple street treet between First South and See Sec J Si uth streets John R. R Walker j was was also also a mem member er the of-the same firm as IS' was S. S S Walker JHenry Walla WalIa Wallace e was a member of th th the firm of ot Wallace and Evans Evans who whop operated p rated a conf confectionery store baky bak- bak y an and fancy gro grocery ry Alexander Land Robert Watson were miners and Watt was 1 a commission merj mer mer- j. j bant I L Waters was a jeweler Jav Ja Ja- v cob Weiler Weller was bishop ishop of the Third ward ard Counselor to Young Daniel H. H Wells VeILs was se second ond coun- coun I or to Brig Brigham am Y Young ung and arid was also Superintendent luper of public works Mr Wells Wella also served as mayor of Salt L I. Lake ke City That That Salt Lake City had its billiard parlors even in in those end early d days s 's is evidenced by the fact that we find William We West listed as bartender at the S. S L. L Billiard Rooms A. A W. W White was cashier of Wells Fargo Co COs s banking department depar II H. K Wh Whit Whit- t ney clerk rk of the Eighteenth ward PA r A little further we find the name Of f P. P L. L Williams attorney residing In lii the Twentieth ward Mr Williams who became one of Utah's leading railroad counsel has been in in retire retire- ment nent ne t for sev several ral years ears but still lives im Salt SaIt Lake City William was listed w s a syrup m manufacturer and H H. Wood followed the occupation of ot a a coach trimmer Wilford Willord Woodruff who later became president of ot the L ju D D. s S. S church was an apostle in Proprietor of Sawmills Joseph A. A Young was WilS listed as pro pro- rictor of sawmills and lumber mer mer- chant chan South Temple and East Tern pie le streets Brigham Young Jr Is listed listed list list- ed a as one of ot the twelve apostles Brigham H H. Young was wasa a trader and Joseph Young Sr Sn- was simply listed as residing in the Thirteenth ward Phineas H. H Young was bishop of the Se Second ond ward while Le Grand Young L t was superintendent ass of the Salt Lake CIty and d Wasatch wagon road Seymour B. B Young who bec became me One ne ot of Salt Lake ke City's noted d clans w was s listed M as s a surgical 1 st stu- stu nt residing in the Thirteenth Ward V d jj in the rear of Society ha hall LO LO- D. D Young was bishop p of the w ward rd and John W. W Young k n The latter gained PrOminence for his work In railroad b g later the 1 We z find Charles but two Swo Persons Persons' listed in E. E vas was a cabinet 1 maker and J Joseph Zuber was a 1 laborer aeo 0 |