Show FATHERS AND SONS OUTING ARRANGED East Jordan ordan Stake Plans Canyon Canyon Canyon Can Can- yon Sojourn SANDY The SANDY The annual fathers' fathers and 2nd sons' sons outing of East Jordan L. L D. D S S. S stake will be held July 27 27 28 29 anc and 30 at Giles' Giles flat that in Big Cottonwood canyon The outing is under direction direction direction tion of the stake M. M I. I A. A with the adult priesthood of bf the stake in charge Camp will be made Friday afternoon afternoon after arter- noon and an extemporaneous program program program pro pro- gram will be enjoyed Friday evening A wide vari variety ty ty of activities including including ing inc nature hikes horseshoe pitching baseball and various other games will be enjoyed Saturday with a campfire program in the evening Sacred services will be held Sunday morning with George Albert Smith as speaker Each ward will furnish the pr program program pro pro- gram for its own group Sunday after after- noon They will break camp and r re return return re- re turn home Monday Members of the central committee in charge include I M. M B. B Andrus of or Draper chairman assisted by John H. H Greer of Union Vern Ennis and E. E D D. D of Draper and Sylvan Dunn of or Midvale Fathers and sons participating will provide their own food and camping equipment Each ward will be assigned assigned assigned as as- signed a camping area |