Show Going ing Away For Away For Quite a Stay Rent Your Home or Apt Furnished It It Will Pay ONEY TO LOAN 31 a PERSONAL LOANS YOU TOU ARE WELCOME TO 10 BOR BORROW OVI MONEY 50 TO 10 ANY PLEDGE OF VALUE Ante Auto Atit Personal Property l Stock 1 ret Per Cent Per Pe Month l Rep Repay monthly within year rea RELATIONSHIP CONFIDENTIAL CONSIDERATE PEOPLES PEOPLE'S Fn FINANCE ANC THRIFT CO 60 STATE T Was WIL Wu 1976 State it flank Bant l Bu FURNITURE MAKER CO-MAKER LOANa LOAS 1 1520 We Wa arrange loans In n 24 to 48 43 4 hours houri s and allow you 1 13 3 8 10 r 15 1 mont month s or to repay out of your our Income FINANCE liC COW CO 1 Room cn Bt f SO SALT LAI W Was 0 P. P PRO O UTAH Proto pro Tele rele Room n. n J. J Ecle nid OGDEN UTAH 1 Tele f Ogden Osden e 1277 UNDER UNE STATE SUPERVISION SERVICE Borrow Horrow money mane on your our own corn oln signature security or required J SALARIED OL MEN AND WOMEN i L 5 UP Repay Rep In n small smal weekly ekly or monthly In In in- 1 QUICK REV V VALLEY ALEY coO CO O TM 0 Walker flank Bank Bank Bide Was Wu j QUICK QUCK SI SMALL LOANS t 1500 TO f To employed people No endorsers or 4 security of ot any kind required Ours Our Is the CHEAPEST most confidential and Ind 1 courteous CASH CREDIT service In Salt Lake A mutual PROFIT SHARING a formed b bv bY Ut Utah b people MUTUAL CREDIT J 31 Walker Walkr Bank Building WILL A LOAN WL HELP YOU YOU i t r You can get et a Furniture Maker Co-Maker or Automobile Lonn up to 1300 from us usI I ISmall 1 Small Smal Monthly Repayments to suit your present Income Come in Write or Phone if BENEFICIAL SOCIETY J. J t LOAN rine I 07 0 ChIt cun BId Bide Cor Car Main A k 3rd So PHONE WAS WB 1277 11 Under UnderState State U Supervision 1 15 MINUTE 15 SERVICE V CE j I. I WITHOUT SECURITY SALT LAKE CREDIT CO 23 25 EAST ND 2ND SO 50 1 BEASON REASON EST AliSH At AN ACCOUNT t f FOR PRESENT OF or FUTURE U USE E f r 5 15 and UP on your our own note towe rates rt No endorsers A local company compan r th that t will wl handis hand your our needs In a hl hUr h i tiLl cuts manner mafer FINANCIAL DISCOUNT CO 50 Ezra Era Thompson RI Bide I r 5 OR MORE WITHOUT SECURITY MINUTE 15 MUE SERVICE LOCAL E CREDIT CO I 4 Utah t h Say Sav Tr 3 So Main S C S l 10 SO 10 or more to working people on their own note No cosigners or mort mot gage nee Easy Uy payments Sec See us u Heat first EMPLOYEES EMPLOYEES' LOAN LOA SOC McCornick Bide Bids 10 W. W 1st bt So S THE TP DIAMOND SHOP S S. S MAIN A HIGHLY respectable place place where ladles ladies and gentlemen can borrow borros money on L diamond and watches at legal rates nd f t BUY notes contracts mort nots contracts aces SOO to f Ride Bide Bide Was u 1785 Au AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 32 21 en Ii e er BETTER BETTE USED CARS r lIlt 1934 STUDEBAKER Diet Sedan driven very little Dit spotless 98 1929 FORD Coupe 1933 1832 HUDSON Sedan 1928 STUDEBAKER Comm Regal Reul 1930 InO STUDEBAKER 6 Sedan STUDE K 1930 FORD Ept Coupe Coune 24 1927 STUDEBAKER Victoria clean cean 15 1931 PIERCE ARROW De i Sedan 1 iso 1230 0 1934 PLYMOUTH Coupe pe CO 1933 PLYMOUTH Sedan 50 1920 2829 CHEVROLET Coach 1933 CHEVROLET CHEROLE Coupe 65 1933 1832 CHEVROLET Coach 1933 CHEVROLET Sedan 95 1931 LA SALLE Town Sedan 13 1 1930 FRANKLIN Coupe 1932 ROCKNE Sedan 1931 CHEVROLET De Do Lu Lure e Sedan 1927 nUCI BUICK 47 Sedan 1 r 1930 I ton m-ton ton stake Moreland Mortland truck 33 32 f. f WE P. P PAY Y CASH FOR L LATE MODEL USED CARS CAn h J J C CO t STUDEBAKER DISTRIBUTORS 4 SOUTH MAIN WASATCH 00 2 QUALITY TEST TET AT RECORD CARS LOWEST LWE RECORD BREAKING PRICES 1934 1834 NASH De iDe Lux 4 Sedan count almost tt brand brand new a at 1200 noo dis dis- 1931 NASH Light 8 a Sedan I r 1 1930 ASH De I s d US De Sport Lux I. I Cabriolet 6 wire wheeL rumble rum rum- t I hu ble seat sa A bargain heel 1939 1329 PACKARD P 4 Custom 8 S.- k dan 6 wheels and trunk rack t mechanically like Ikc brand new neu excellent finish 1 tand and and upholstery S 'S 1031 1931 FORD IRD Ton j Panel DI 1928 InS 4 Dr o Sedan ex tx- fine condition on MANY MORE MOnE SO SOo MAIN MAN ST. ST CHRYSLER I SPORT COUPE P 19 1932 Imp 8 A side aide mounts u new w tires tru air lr wheels wheel metal covers cover low mileage This 0 car when be is purchased absolutely c IJ U like Our rn new price Cos C TODAY TO TO- DAY DAY S DAY lf CHASE s MOTOR CO 42 SO ST STATED STATE E W WAS 1415 li BUICK PONTIAC ESSEX Sedan S t S 45 05 19 1911 ios CH ci V. V Concis ICa la 1931 13 DUr OP Cp P. P Sedan 45 1923 HUDSON I O 1932 1832 2 1 HUDSON r S Sidan dan 45 1934 67 BUICK Sedan tow low ow KO discount C ARCH BROWNING R South Main SlaIn W GUARANTEED VALUES VALUE 1926 PACKARD 6 Road 1927 PACKARD Sedan 26 1031 AUBURN Com Cony Coupe Si 1030 1933 PACKARD Club 6 Sedan 78 f Ign 1030 b CADILLAC n r 1932 PACKARD Scott Scort Phaton JA JACKSON MOTOR t 1 CAR MOTOR O R AVE WAS 1333 CH CHEV V c coupe very clean only oi- oi I 1100 So Main Maui Un 1231 FORD coupe coune cOue rumble seat scat Ik like new Owner transferred Cullen Culen Gar Oar W. W 1155 V I AUTOMOBILES FOR OR SALE F FOR R SALE 32 IlG C t. t M da n SALE AL ALOF P l J t 1 I I i fj OF 1 RECONDITIONED 1 i 1 1 j 7 GJ ANI PJ fm S. S lifS A I i I l 9 we ar are just as s to o 0 h have ve YOM s satisfied as aI are ac e f o be e t CO COME ir IN Ii AND rr LET US SHOW YOU 4 SPECIALS a. a l 1934 FORD V-S V De Dc Lux Luy Sedan 3 driven g g Just t oo and is arn in perfect condition all Al through h. h finished In a beautiful deep drep maroon A real buy bur at a S 5 1933 1233 PLYMOUTH Sedan hits has 11 just been completely checked over oe in Ia our shop and Is In In In- perfect condition oil all through Looks and runs like 01 new Lols CHEVROLET O Landau Con Con- Phaeton driven en 1 just i fJ m miles 1922 CHEV CIE Coach Ins 1923 CHEV Landau Landau Sedan 1933 FORD V 8 8 Coupe g A 8 1031 J FORD Y De Be Sport ii r s' s 1930 FORD Steel Sterl Top oP Coupe rumble 1930 FORD Tudor Keen Karry-Keen trunk 1930 2930 V FORD Sport Coupe 5 1929 FORD JORD Sport Cabriolet IDS 1923 1929 FORD Sport Roadster e 1933 FORD Sedan miles il s' s U 1933 DODGE Standard Coupe miles mies real buy bui buy 1933 1033 DODGE Coupe new motor nev 1932 1132 DO DODGE DOE De DC Sedan MS MSg 1929 DODGE D. D A. A S Sedan g 1929 DODGE g D. D A. A Coupe e gg 1 1931 STUDE SUDE Diet Did 8 6 Sedan 31 1930 STUDE ETUDE Fees Pres 8 De Dc Sport Pre Cabriolet new paint U 36 1932 g DE bYm SOTO 6 eeSA Sedan air ii wheels 49 1 1930 1310 30 DE SOTO 8 6 Sedan new 33 1931 1031 31 1 HUPP Cent I D. D L. L Sedan radio 95 1928 PACKARD 6 De Dc Sedan 36 ln 1930 BUICK 6 46 I Sport Coupe 1931 1231 wire CHEVROLET 1 wheels R. R Special mohair Sedan l 6 tr trunk rack finished in ina a beautiful 1934 tan and n orange n combination Ob t 3 if Many miles of good transportation for tor f 1932 1032 STUDEBAKER Commander 8 a- 13 Cyl De Dc Lux Special Sedan with 6 plated chrome artillery steel alert wheels a beautiful grade crude rude tee automobile that sold old new for 1800 can be beur purchased purchased pur pur- chased nev now for ur 1932 CHRYSLER M C-M 6 De Dc 1132 Sedan Lux 1930 CHRYSLER 73 13 Sedan 1930 1030 CHRYSLER 66 Coupe 1928 CHR CHRYSLER 72 Sedan 21 1936 1926 CHRYSLER 58 Sedan 93 95 1928 OLDSMOBILE Landau 1931 DURANT Sedan Ill 1929 ESSEX Sport Coupe very clean 1023 1922 ESSEX Town Sedan new paint EE 1932 NASH 6 Sedan very vry clean clean 1931 NASH Sedan 1927 NASH Ambassador Sedan 1926 NASH Special 6 Coach new ply 6 NAH 6 tires Ure nw 10 1026 1926 BUICK Sedan A l 1923 DURANT 4 Sedan new paint new DURt tires tres 1928 WHIPPET 4 Coach 95 05 1918 1926 NASH 6 Sedan dan 75 5 1027 1121 DODGE DODE Sedan late te 95 1026 1028 CHEVROLET Sedan U COMPLETELY COI Y RECONDITIONED USED USIE I JUS I 1931 1031 CHEV w. w a b. b d. d w. w I IJO stake CIE d JO 1979 1029 Hf INTERNATIONAL N Tl i J ton Hi-ton ti L. L 65 I W. W B. B dual w w. w chits chas and cab 1933 DODGE dua 2 cab cb and ch chassie MU dual wheels 1930 1130 DODGE 11 ton 1 ton coal del DODE 1939 DODGE 4 panel I 1923 CHEV DODE 1 ton coal roal box hox 85 H DODGE 8 De Dr Lux ton u-ton ton 11 DODE panel 2500 miles 1933 DODGE late Hate L. L V. V W. W B. B D. D W. W DODOr ton li cab cb and chassis 1933 CHEV L. L W. W B D. D ton 2 D. D W. W cb cAb end and chassis 1932 CHEV ln In d. d a w. w cab and PERFECT SHAPE 35 1331 CHEV 17 d. d d w. w stake SEVERAL DUMP DUIF DU BODIES BODIS SEE THESE TODAY lV LYAN l A N. N OER I I 5 T AlN W WAS WASO A j o 39 Values Values Values 1923 WILLYS-KNIGHT WILLYS De Dc 13 Coach Lux 1195 1933 PLY PLYMOUTH De Dc Coach 1929 FORD fOUT Coach 1 II 1929 WHIPPET Sedan 13 1932 ESSEX Pacemaker Sedan 1 1032 1932 3 CHEV CouPe COUP CouP HS 1931 1031 CIE Sedan 42 1931 AUBURN Custom Sedan S 1930 FORD OnD Coach 1979 1939 HUDSON De Dc Coach I 1023 1922 CHRYSLER Sedan 3 23 H 1929 1979 Coach v K 5 Ins 1976 FEX BUICK S lan 70 0 1936 CHRYSLER Corch 1 9 3 1925 PACKARD C Club u Sedan 14 UTTS Tf USED J OAH W iJ Rf STORE J c I INTERMOUNTAIN m DISTRIBUTORS PLYMOUTH PLYMOUTH PLYMOUTH-DE DE SOTO SOTO HUPP 60 S. S 2ND EAST WASATCH 1573 LOT LT SOUTH STATE n ef Club 1931 CADILLAC 12 cylinder Sedan de model 1225 In 1030 1930 CADILLAC Sedan like new v 1930 1030 CADILLAC De DC Sedan 1933 1033 CHEVROLET Coach like new 1033 1933 CHEV GREy Sport Phaeton lie 95 1931 PRES 8 S STUDE STUDS D. D L 1 Sedan 5 1932 FORD V 8 Sport Coupe 1929 BUICK Std BId Sedan perfect 1930 FORD FRD Da Di Lux Sedan 65 1928 CHRYSLER Sedan new paint 15 1929 FORD Tudor good one 1927 1221 PONTIAC Sport Coupe 95 1926 DODGE screen truck 65 1029 1929 DODGE screen truck truck 35 1129 H. H P. P LIBERTY AIRPLANE MOTOR THINK CHEVROLET THINK SIA 7 SO 2ND E. E W. W BARGAINS BARGANS WO 1910 CORD Sedan a S 1000 g gl n 1023 1029 g PACKARD glA Club Sedan 1934 1234 AUBURN l 1929 CHEVROLET Sedan ed i g 1927 CHEVROLET Roadster TRUCK 1933 CHEVROLET n Ton Itt Ton 1933 DODGE DODE l Ton 4 Ton Ht-Ton v II 1930 O DODGE Tori Ton 33 1931 CHEVROLET l H Ton 1 Ton 1933 1932 INTERNATIONAL Ton Hi-Ton 1939 1929 CHEVROLET Wrecker 1 T. T 1921 1930 CHEVROLET l Ton 1 Ton I 1038 CHEVROLET I. I T. H-T. T. T and body bob 1030 CHEVROLET 1 IL l' T n 2 28 0 11 1923 3 WHIPPET V Ton 2 65 5 OUR ER ERWIN MOTOR MOTORP INC 17 MOTOR AVE 8 SO 80 STATE WAR 1806 1106 WAS WS Always ys a 21 S Spare Sac taIe e l' l 1027 1827 HUICK BUIC Victoria 8 8 85 I 1027 lLE 4 Sedan Bedan J 1021 FOlD paint 17 new sen 19 1930 fv 4 dr dl B II g 1 loll CHEVROLET 33 23 19 1931 FORT FORD hORO DE 15 lE Roadster 1 mi on sedan 20 1 lOll 1031 31 ChEW CHEV DC t P Coach hn 3 H MANY MORE MonE WO WONDERFUL BUYS GLENN C. C BILLS 6 0 SO 80 STATE AUTO MARKET MARK WAS WA FORD SPORT COUPE COUlE I 1930 O model mode rumble seat seal 5 tires tres Duco h very verr rood mechanIcal mechanical ical con condition Price Pice CHAS MOTOR CO 42 SO 80 STATE WAS WA 1445 SEW NEW 1934 Willys lys fean Bove driven in from factory US here Cart Eart South CHEVROLET SEDAN SEDAN completelY completely overhauled SEAN el D. D T. T SINGER SIGER 76 60 50 STATE U BUYS wonderful Pae Packard sedan in inAI inAl A l 1 condition as s good as a new car Has Hu been bee handled ed with greatest of rare rara rae t And nd his hu only been driven miles mUe Call Cal Wa SVa Apt Apt 1928 PONTIAC BS COUPE orl original very ery clean D. D T. T SINGER SINGER lO SO 80 ST STATH T LIC LIGHT r ID I f 31 Dodro o f-o adan wonderful cond 33 N. N 1 I 5 W. W Wo AP Apt 3 rear I COUlE b nsw n 8 8 47 3 7 ND C. C WAS W POP FOP l alito tori kert or fr eXe exchange for fr r f Hy Hr good model mode A Ford lord E. E I So 60 Fred Ao DOWNTOWN Meson aleS Inc JQ FRT I I f rumble 5 DC De Coupe 1913 1933 FORD 1931 FORD Sedan 1931 BUICK Coupe 19 1011 1931 1 FORD m S Sport Coupe 31 g j 1031 1931 PONTIAC Coupe 95 95 1929 1920 FORD Coune 1 h lorn 1927 GRAHAM Coach a i 27 1030 1931 RU HU HUP D D D- Sedan 37 IIO 10 1023 a PONTIAC Coup Coup- late series 16 1928 FORD rouD Tudor Sedan e 19 1920 HUPP Sedan 2 5 1329 1922 f FORD l Roid Roadster TRUCKS ter 15 1932 DODGE 6 Panel F 23 2 2 1930 1030 FORD l ton l'-ton P Panel 18 1929 g CHEV a 11 1 ton 4 ton 7 00 Stake t tle 1 19 1931 FORD 27 DOWNTOWN FORD ORD DEALER DEALE 5 5 SO STATE W. W 1414 C 1928 CHEV CHEW Coach rood good 1150 clean 1927 CHRYSLER 70 Coupe 1933 ChEW V Coupe only cean 47 15 1030 CHEV Cn Coupe A l 2 U 1937 1927 g I 90 8 g 1932 1033 HUDSON Sedan new tires 55 1029 CHEV Coach A l tre un 1934 gu CHEV Coach 2700 iJo rs miles 1 1929 1829 Sedan 25 CHEV Coach tires 1933 un 1029 01 Cabriolet 1 10 ply 6 r g 1928 CADILLAC To Town n Sedan 3 5 1932 FORD Coach Jumbo wheels 1934 CHEV Coupe 2800 mie miles TRUCKS mo noann Ton i stake Il 1025 Ton 1 Ton l'-Ton Stake I 8 85 2131 roin OU Ton U-Ton I kul 1333 Ton l'-Ton Stake g 1110 FORT FORD I H Ton Pi-Ton ig Penal r n USED CAR DEPT 3 MAIN 11 fJ ir 1928 KNIGHT WILLYS-KNIGHT Coach 1135 13 1 1329 1029 29 GRAHAM Sedan model mode 61 32 12 1923 1929 GRAHAM SEDAN SEN model 62 29 1923 1020 OAKLAND SED SEDAN AU trunk 2 25 5 1932 1032 NASH rumble nimble seat 43 un ta 1933 1932 GRAHAM COUPE rumble t seal i 39 OSS 1033 CHEV CHE Coupe air wheels 59 95 1031 1011 HUPP JUPP SEDAN side aide mounts 47 1929 PACKARD 7 S. S SEDAN 37 1925 HAS SEDAN A l IS 1011 1831 GRAHAM DIA 8 S SEDAN D h lik like iw new 80 1 1028 1026 DODGE SEDAN ey 5 50 0 SEE THESE HESE AND MANY OTHERS OTHER I J I o 4 t 5 SO IIA MAIN N Vi WAS AS 15 2517 1 I I 1933 1931 OLDS CO ROACH COACh Cn l A-l 1725 1 1313 OLDS nu Coupe Ue new nW 67 COlpe new 1912 NASH Sedon n 53 5 1320 12 DI Diet t Sedan Bedan 2 1032 FORt FonD Re De dor 1922 HABIt Sedan l g PONTIAC I. I db Coupe up 1930 HUDSON 8 Sedan dan I 17 IMS 1025 OLDS coach too 1932 OLDS Coach H M iS 1930 OLtIS 8 Sedan dan 1930 CHEV ClEV Sedan 13 A. A E. E 64 SOUTH STATE WAS VMS rOD VC SPECIAL 1930 President 8 B State Stale Sedan Bedan Bedon nerd need some UP side mounts 6 tr ursa a fair mechanical ade condition Priced Price 1200 und under r market and book value See Roe pries price today CHASE M MOTOR A T R dO O. O 42 80 SO STATE SATE WAS 1445 1443 13 CHEV COACH brand new 1836 terms 47 C 8 S. 2nd E. E E Was 1930 1130 PACKARD X IKID sedan action de In condition miles rles best bet puncture puncture- proof tire lire tre fCO cash rath only Mrs Helen Hele E. E Crichlow Was u. M. 5 Mra Ut lit lt avi ave A B A-B- B ARGAIN L 1923 1023 ABR R dror 4 doi 4 sedan D r throughout Bryan ryn H Ii 1 Mss x W 13 OR fh r r 13 1330 1339 moi moI aldo mount mount 6 oo ool tires Ilces Al i 1 o. ln l IlnI fin I irh Ii 1 rid like nc nc nc- V Will Wi take tak talc mall emaIl mal cr car ca CHASE in trade lude MOTOR Price CO U O. O STATE STATE WAS 1441 I I I 1 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 32 aICe 15 IS J JUST LATE S' S J MODEL CARS CAnS CARSWe We these thue ears cu at a very low Jow possible figure and ane will wi sell for the lowest lowet vry price once 75 CARS IN Ii STOCK Eve Every one completely Very Ver attractive prices 1 10 CARS Priced from 30 10 up to lo JUS Coupes coaches and sedans OUR CARS ARE RECONDITIONED AND GUARANTEED TRADES TERMS UP TO 1 1 MONTHS ON BALANCE BALANCE TRUCKS GOOD SELECTION TERMS UP TO 18 MO MONTHS ON BALANCE L TUNE IN m 1 ON y BETWEEN 1630 AND 1030 EACH UCH EVENING A c B R I I lI D E I 9 S S. S MAIN MAN W. W SIS lI JF iJ CORNIER JN m I 1931 BUICK DUICK Coupe model S. 66 new tires tres paint perfect 75 1332 1032 FORD FRD V 8 Tudor do de model in very good condition US 1934 CHEVROLET Coupe nearly n now new w. w bie bl discount 59 1933 FORD V 8 De He Coupe a afine afine FOR fine car only 1933 PLYMOUTH Sedan good rood con con- dillon dlton priced to sell el 1923 1929 FRANKLIN Sedan very ery clean 1129 34 1028 1928 LINCOLN Sedan fine car ca cean 24 1927 PACKARD Sedan real value 15 1923 HUDSON Sedan 1929 1129 ESSEX ESE Sedan a dandy 1928 1923 CHEVROLET Coupe special 1930 FORD FRD Coup R P. real buy bur 30 1931 FORD Tudor Sedan 1920 1929 1921 FORD Tudor Sedan 1929 CHEVROLET Sedan 32 25 1930 FORD Roadster see ee it i 1932 FORD FRD V 8 Chassis 1932 FORD 4 Stake 1930 FORD Panel Truck 1923 1929 FORD Panel Truck 11 1930 FORD Ton Ji-Ton Ton eTon Pickup 1929 FORD Ton k-Ton Ton Pickup BAKER RAKER MOTOR COMPANY AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER 3RD SOUTH 3RD |