Show ENTERS RACE I ir W 1 William R. R Wallace WALLACE EYES' EYES SEAT IN SENATE Prominent Utah Democrat Announces Candidacy for Congress C Definite announcement that he would be a candidate for the Democratic Demo cratic nomination as U United Hed States Slates senat senator r was made Tuesday by W WIIliam WU- WU l li liam ham m R. R Wallace chairman of the Utah water storage commission and vice president of or the Utah Oil Refining Renn ing irig company During my absence in Washington Washing Washing- ton my son announced that I would be a candidate for the office of ot United United United Unit Unit- ed States senator said Mr Wallace That announcement stan stands s. s My name will not be withdrawn Mr Wallace has been a prominent figure in Democratic tic politics for many years having served as Utah Ulah representative on n the Democratic national na na- na- na lional committee and as chairman o ol of the state slate committee Mr Wallace was born In Salt Lake City in 1865 After studying pt nt the University o of Utah he engaged in the mercantile business busine s in 1884 later becoming becoming be be- coming id identified with mining oil refining refining refining re re- re- re fining and ranching He became chairman of the Utah water storage commission in 1923 and since that tha time has been closely associated with will every movement looking toward the conservation and enlargement of the states state's water supply Mr Wallace served as Colorado r river iver ver commissioner for Utah from 1924 to 1933 He also is chairman o ohe of the he Utah planning board hoard and was wa drafted rafted by President R Roosevelt on August 1 1933 to take charge of the thc employment campaign in Utah |