Show GOVERNOR MERRIAM LAUDED FOR STAND S. S L. L Chamber of Commerce Rotary Praise Order Governor Frank Merriam of ot California Cali Call fornia Tuesday was wa complimented by bythe bythe bythe I the chamber of commerce and Rotary Ro Ro- Rotary tary club for his stand to keep order and move necessities in the San Francisco Francisco Francisco Fran Fran- cisco strike Your attitude regarding law and order is deserving ot of highest commendation com corn said a telegram signed by Gus P P. P Backman chamber secre tary The Rotary club meeting at the Hotel Utah adopted this resolution as a result of or an address by Governor Merriam Monday night and telegraphed telegraphed tele tele- graphed it to the governor The Salt Lake City Rotary club by unanimous resolution desires to express its appreciation of your clear and concise statement and to commend commend com corn mend your courageous stand for law lawand lawand lawand and order |