Show 1 1 41 SOUTH MAl MAIn n 4 EAST at BROAD BROADWAY WAY N RA EAST T TWENTY FIRST SOUTH Sugarhouse N RA These Prices Effective at al Once at All Three 1 Markets l u I 4 r GROCERY DEPT Pork d Beans No Large Larg o c Cans S SI Sp I P E A C H E s Freestones Utah Elberta lb Ib e 5 Sri COLD MEA MEATS MEATS Fancy Fancy Assortment Ib lb S Sugar u Fine e. e I 10 0 Ibs Ib s s. s 59 c C Crackers rae rac k ers J A A 3 Sodas 3 1 Ib 34 C M. M Miracle I e nac Wh White I King K in log Lar or Lue rut rut- pk pG k e 28 C I BASIL I Large Lue All brands brandi can cansor cans uns- GC Salmon Slim Chum Tall cans I Dc c Whip Matches Cation a o boxes r 0 at ac c Heinz Ketchup r tie Large r 2 Bol- Bol lot ort C Quart Jars Well Jell e e ell Alt kl Flavors C Corn orn Flakes Large Lue Kellos Kelloggs Ik I Cc Dc C Sc C Peas No c cans 7 t. t es 2 for or C Powdered or May Mayonnaise Pint Best Foods d C Sugar Brown 3 IBS SI C CLar Jars Doe Doft Food Lar SS 16 g e a Tree To I ree T ea 1 I f for tor Ib r Iced Orange Orme ed tea Pekoe 59 C Snowdrift nog ri 3 St St. can canI b c Jell 0 e Aro Ara ro Pickle Pickles is j All C p Pineapple inea I 0 I e Broke Ka S e z Slices 16 C All Flavors Vegetables V e el e eables J a es ber Strained or Heinz Pr GerAll Ger- Ger lOc I Dc c Sh aver f s 5 No So grapefruit 2 Z cans 9 2 f U or 25 wC c G ra h am 2 Crackers pk C Sh dd d Wh Wheat at Kel Kel- I lOc 0 50 c T Toilet 1 t P f Free e 2 f 7 re ra Pk Pk g. g C 01 e Paper aper rolls or c cT T aura oma t. t oes oes e. Solid e. e Z t Pack cans 9 C 0 Catsup a I sup Large Lare bottle H t oz I 0 C SOAPS AND CLEANSERS SPECIAL WHITE LIGHTHOUSE CRYSTAL WHITE SOAP IO Bars 19 C CLEANSER 3 cans I 0 C SOAP tO bars 29 C CLOROX CLOROX- OLD Q Quart Bottle II C Pints 9 C 15 C CLEANSER 3 cans 20 C MELO IELo LAVA or P Jj ROSE Can 8 C SOAP w Bars 15 C Large Pk K 19 C SANI PALMOLIVE HOOKER LYE LYE- C Can n 18 C SOAP t Bars 17 C Large Can 8 ii C DR DRANO DRANO- O- O LUX or t SOAP Mission Bell or Can 19 C SO P Bars 17 C White Kin King 3 bars II C 0 BABO- BABO 3 White SOAP King A. A B. B Can I 0 C Laundry 10 bars 28 C SOAP SOAP-IO S AP bars 29 C 1200 ADDITIONAL BARGAINS ASK FOR A LIST G Corn orn Golden Colden u Bantam d doz OZ 17 C i Cantaloupes an a ou es TOMATOES Firm and Ii Ripe t pe Beans Green Tender lb 1 c Firm and Ripe each Sc c New Potatoes o a oes Fresh 9 c rouNDS POUNDS u Dug I lOc Dc c lb 1 c Green Peppers Fancy Ben r. r Ib lb ge geP c P Peaches h es Fancy DIxie Olsle Ib I 5 C cew cr Dewberries ew errieS r Lemons emons Fresh X Juicy r doz c PEARS LL Last st Chance at This sate Special tint Low Loty Price Bed r k in-k Fancy n Bartletts p A Apples pp I es 6 Q Ib IDS sl 25 C Ccase 3 Ib Ibs 2 5 sl S. C case 89 c 0 A. A Apricots I S Canning C For lit Ib 11 LUG CHOICE MEATS l Lamb o Chons oPs Ib lb 1 c Veal ea Chops Rio s Ib lb I c Beef ar s Ib lb 1 e Spring Beef T Tongues ong es Ib J lb b. Dc I c Lard 2 2 Ibs sl c Friars Friers Hers Steaks r. r 2 Ibs s. s c cOr Pork Or Chops Chops Ib lb c LB Bacon Squares Ib lb 1 c Veal V al r r. r Steak ea Ib lb 1 C 1 c Picnics Swifts Swift's wi J lb b. c r Sliced LI Liver LIer er Ib lb 50 C Sliced ice Bacon rind oil d Ib lb c DELICATESSEN DEPT Fn FRANKFURTERS Fresh as Islands Coney s Ik lb 10 Roast oas Pork or 1 leg lb Ib lean C Dh Cheese ease eese Corned orne Beef ee sliced ft Lb b c cLean Boiled H Ham am S h Lean thin v. v lb Ib 19 C Mild Salads Fresh tasty made m Lb C CM Mountaineers WJK s 's MJ 22 Cream II I Z DOZ r c 2 2 lbs Ibs Dill I Pickles P. P IC kl as s Md 6 for or I Dc c Minced Ham sliced Best e qU Lb It c C Cheese ate Ib te s. s Pk Pr JC Herrine erring large I-arce Salt Nar Each 7 I Oc Dc c Kip 1 Snacks 4 tins lins ins c I lb 2 Ibs 4 Ibs t zo 29 56 si I BIG DEMAND for Canyon Collages Cottages WANT TO RENT YOURS w 28 People Called on These 3 Ads Ads- Rented Mill Creek Cabin Small cabin un l unusually cool df delightful l location In Mill Cr Creek k k water watH r. r cv ever ever- r- r Ireena creen beautiful view Jew Hy U J. 2787 Rented Emigration Cabin Glaas d Glass d In cottage cottier can can- yon Jon Ity R. R R or E E. E South Rented Brighton Cabin Furnished cabin at cool and quiet Hy Hr W. 25 CANYON CABIN PROSPECTS still looking for similar cabins t to rent Want Vant to rent yours Phone WAS Dilly Dally Ad Ads d. d lint line Sun Ads Ad lOc Ida Un TRIBUTE TRIBUNE At TELEGRAM RED WHITE WEDNESDAY SPECIALS Ith L j i rr coos O I f stow I 7 Mayonnaise R. R W 1 pt qt MILK Tall MILK Tall cans Tall Corn LOm f Flakes R. R small w. w packages 3 U for C. C W. W SOAP 10 1 0 bars c WHITE KING E ING INGi Ig c i ton flat Tomato Juice R. R W. W 4 4 cans Aro Pickles Sweets Dills l small lOc 1 Oc Potato Chips 5 Watermelons Ib lb Lemons 0 doz Cucumbers 5 5 for lOc Fresh Tomatoes Ib lb Bone T-Bone Sirloin Steaks 2 2 lbs Ibs Ground Beef 2 Ibs 1 Assorted Lunch Meats Ib lb LET US SERVE YOU THESE HOT DAYS PHONE YOUR YOUE ORDER WE DELIVER me RED WHITE The Tho Sin Sign of ci of-a of a Dependable Depend Sto Store I MAJOR fe WHO WitO USED TO 6 E 50 SO W WEAK WEM AK 0 V 0 THE ASS HO HORN HOV 0 R V SUD 0 Y CUT curs 00 1 J 7 it I Il l f 4 fv 1 1 t. t r r r X lL-X J t P 52 k K err er- er g I ReF s 1 iSA r rEl El Elg g S I it Ie r I t r 5 1 11 p H- H I. I OSt's iP t tt 40 I we doubt a little bit that our o PERSONALLY Posts Post's 40 40 Bran Flakes really made all that F LAkE difference in the Major 1 tr S Its It's quite possible however that our delicious a I OJ R cereal helped For For- that logy nothing good nothing for feeling is often caused by a sluggish intestine I due to lack of bulk in the diet So if you youre you're re feeling not quite up to scratch why donut you try Posts Post's 40 Bran Dran Flakes It contains r rW i bran to supply that bulk you need to help keep W- W 44 food was wastes es moving along th the intestinal tract w n nand and to promote regular elimination It also contains contains con con- other parts of wheat to supply that appetizing nut-like nut flavor Y You'll love lout it G Posts Fasts 40 Bran Dran Flakes Flakes' With Other Parts Of or Wheat is a P product of General Foods t I 1 I Id If f d A to t Energy nei b g Thai at Gives You Real ea Charm laj In 4 American Lady Bread supplies the energy that glues gives V M j radiant vitality to outlast the strenuous demands o ofu t work y o U or play piny You will always find it fresh wherever you buy if American Lady Baking Company The large owned home N II It A Battery Bakery CAKE Thursday SPECIALS Thursday Friday Saturday q COCOANUT LAKE It CAKE C A QUA LItY SERVILE RA These Th prices effective at t 0 once w We reserve m. m the th CN A Aright right to limit limn Shop In our up-to-date up K stores Hundreds of or bargains not mentioned r c 9 5 1 hue here Y a c POTATOES Utah lbs Ibs 80 LETTUCE large solid heads each 4 4 TOMATOES Utah 2 2 lbs Ibs' Sf s 5 BANANAS fancy ripe lb Ib 5 5 BUNCH VEGETABLES 6 6 bunches 10 WATERMELONS lb Ib 2 2 PORK and BEANS 2 Z size i TUNA White Star i lh size 14 14 DEVILED HAM lh 4 size 3 3 for W O 0 POTATO CHIPS oz 5 9 f 10 10 lOoz 17 1 BEER Beckers Becker's or or Fishers Fisher's with empty 1 10 SALAD DRESSING quarts PEANUT NUT BUTTER 2 jar jar 25 CRACKERS sodas t 2 2 lbs Ibs 22 GRAHAMS 2 box 23 COFFEE Hills 2 lb tins 61 b SOAP Special White 10 bars 19 P PAR AR large package 28 j SOAP Lur Lux or or 3 3 bars 17 CLOROX pints 9 9 Quarts 15 GROUND BEEF Fresh Fr sh lb SC STEAKS all cuts lb Ib 17 FRYERS z 11 lb Ib average lb Ib 17 HENS Young lb Ib 12 LARD PI Pikes Pike's k e s Pea Peak k 2 2 lbs Ibs 19 CHEESE Mild Full Cream lb Ib 11 LUNCH MEATS Sliced assorted lb Ib 2 21 SELF SERVE AND SAVE MID MID- WEEK MIDWEEK WEEK SALE Prices for Wednesday July 18 i iC ii i C iI K Kerns Kern's Large Larco rn's Bottle high 5 grade dc Pa ea cal WV MAYONNAISE TS SS-TS Best Quart Foods c POTATO CHIPS oz 5 Fresh o package Crisp tt Sa b S' S 2 for KRAFT CHEESE assorted t or c I COFFEE Ground Fresh s lb i J TEA mack mackUse s Pound I-Pound Pound c i 4 Use Black mack Tr Tree e Tea for tor Delicious Ice Tea Tu f GRAPE JUICE Welch Pint Bottle 1 c l 1 SARDINES S r Oil Pack Fancy 2 C cans ans c. c CRACKERS G ACKER t 4 1 3 1 rounds Pounds Sa Sodas da s c. c 4 R Rda YUriI all 1 Pint lint Assorted Bottle Flavors b vors u. u c t APPLE BUTTER uart Jar 21 c SALAD DRESSING Foods Hest s. s qi qt 1 c a r Fruits i tS an and Vegetables JI A POT A TOES Utah Fresh h Du Dug J IU 10 In Ibs S 9 C J Fancy PEACHES Case i ic CORN dt tn n doz c 1 TOMATOES T Best Smooth O Utah ripe 1 c 1 11 1 Fancy Girdled Seedless L Lye Lye- c 1 GRAPES GR H PES tS Ripe lUpe Sweet U. I CANTALOUPES p 1 Ia P. P a P 1 for or c Large 3 Ibs s1 c APPLES f h n f Western i Meats eats VE VEAL H AL STEAK rJ Best cuts Shoulder 2 Ibs s c t f fH tU- tU u. u uin s 2 n- n Ibs sl C PURE LARD Inspected p ted Coney lb lb 9 I FRANKFURTERS Islands s. s f Cl 12 l ncy Ib b C 51 i Sa SLiCE a o jJ U S1 s J I I B BEEF LIVE a nm Gove-nm Government Inspected nt Ib Cr r |