Show I PEOPLES PEOPLE'S CORNER AGAINST WATER RAISE Peoples People's Corner I see ce the mayor has rolled out that thai old chestnut about having dis discovered there arc are some places in the country he forgets to tell us where people are paying more for their water than we in Salt Lake City Therefore he says he will have to raise the water water wa wa- iva- iva ter rate here Any excuse is good goodenough goodenough goodenough enough for a politician to raise taxes These places the mayor speaks about are no doubt havin having to pay more to obtain their water but he does not tell us that or about the places that pa pay less for their water than we doI do I doubt if there is an any place that can get water cheaper than Salt Lake City if jf we got value for the money we have invested We have bonded ourselves for millions of dollars but bul still we have not water What becomes becomes be be- comes of the money M My neighbors' neighbors guess is as good as mine The politicians poli poli- cant can't build a municipal bath house every year The late mayor raised the water rate and that was the end of his political career His star story may repeat itself Ma Mayor or Marcus was elected on a reduce reduce reduce re re- re- re duce the taxes platform Have taxes been reduced Dont Don't all speak a at once And I wonder what became o of the two dollars a year ear the late mayor or added to the water rate I have been informed the water department is not noi getting it They are arc making the little fellow pay for far more water than he uses My My average lor tor years is less than three dollars a year but the city sends me a bill for eight dol dol- lars lois And J If I lose my ray job then they cut my water off All this water I have paid for and never got does not count They have to see that the big fellow gets his water for lor next to noth noth- in lag ing Well an any peanut politician can raise taxes It takes a n statesman to reduce them I know how my vote and influence influence in in- fluence will go next election And i iJ if the small home owner and working 1 1 i. letters Lettera t to JOO word words Pret- Pret ernce In tn publication I U Is men gi hm lItra the true tru 16 name and address are ore 2 Write on 00 one tide side of ot pa fr only 3 ReligIous r racial cl l and par ar- ar discussions barred personal u- u 1 are not desired 4 WrIters must sign true name names and addresses but when desired these thee wilt will j not be printed 5 5 S. Political contributions IM are ere not considered e. e VIew ex- ex 3 pressed In tn this department are th tho thoe of the thc contributors and do not reflect me the view or of this neyl- neyl ne- ne paper 7 7 The nay may sot rot lot I 1 be used a 01 M on advertising medium a. a The Peoples People's Corner does dos not In Jn rite more than on one contribution a m week wee from the same jame writer man who is having a desperate time timeto to make both ends meet takes this tax raise without protesting both by voice and vote he deserves all aU he gets Respectfully NEMO |