Show fV df V Midvale Defeat Soldiers Soldier Victory in Postponed Tilt Puts Put S Suburbanites Ahead of Fire Fighters TRIBUNE E Eo LEAGUE Standing o f f Won Lost Pc Pet Pct t C. C Y 0 O. ID 10 0 1001 15 too oo Midvale S 5 6 5 4 55 4 6 Ii 4 00 3 th Infantry 1 I 3 1 11 Ii Mondays Monday's Midvale IS 15 IS Infantry 9 2 I Tar 0 0 Y 0 O. O vi I 5 Community park 6 S SP IP P n. n m. m umpires umpire Barney and nd Feeney stoic scorer e Hind Hand Firemen vs VI 3 th Infantry No 1 8 II o. o m m. umpires Spry and Woolley scorer Snider Midvale has gained a half haIt game Iame I edge on the Firemen in their scramble scram scram- ble for runner up honors in The Tribune league by beating the thc Thirty Thirty- eighth infantry Monday night 9 15 In a postponed game at Community park behind Frank Readings Reading's seven seven- hit pitching The Firemen meet the Soldiers Tuesday evening while Midvale must face lace the Catholic Youth club which has already clinched the championship Midvale played ragged ball in the field committing six errors The Soldiers romped to a run four lead lend leadin lendIn leadIn in the first inning on two hits two walks and three errors but Pitcher Reading wiped that completely with witha a prodigious home run over the right field wall near the Scoreboard with the thc ba bases es completely populated By fanning tanning eleven men Reading managed to get by despite five more runs off him in the third and fourth particularly after the Suburbanites treated themselves to eight runs In Inthe inthe inthe the third I |