Show NIGHT LIFE VANISHES FROM PARIS ARIS tp OF WEST General Strike Accomplishes in Frisco What Prohibition Never Could SAN FRANCISCO June 17 UP The UP-The The city which likes to be called the Paris of or the We West t. t because the sky usually Is the limit In night nightlife ute life presented a gloomy picture last night Theaters and night clubs were closed Most of or the electric lights which caused Market street to shimmer gaudily in the fog were blotted out Down in the Little Italy belt bell of dancing lancing and dining around Columbus avenue the silence was oppressive The same was true at nt scattered night nightspots nightspots spots pots where clusters of taxicabs out out- side ide- formerly meant that duncing dancing drinking and music could be found inside The Town club the Embassy the Club Trouville Monk Youngs Young's club were dark The walkout oJ ot union bartenders and an absence of ol rood food supplies had accomplished what whal prohibition and the federal government government government govern govern- ment was unable to do over ovel a period of ot years rears Pedestrians wandered aimless aimlessly up and down the chief business streets There was no place for tor them to go except home and to many home meant nothing but a long walk Street Streetcars Streetcars cars were not running and taxicabs were vere not nol to be had at any price The sole subject of ot conversation on the streets was the strike strike par par particularly the food situation |