Show ALL WASATCH FOREST BLAZES UNDER CONTROL 50 Acres Burned Over in Eleven Class C Fires i to D Date DateAU a t tAn All AU fires in the Wasatch nati forest orest were under control Tuesday A Acting ting SupervIsor Blaine Blame Betenson announced following reports from rangers angers and lire fire guar guards s who have been een fighting several minor blazes and nd at least two large fires since Sat Sat- A brush fire located on th sum um- summit mit near the head of Red Butte City creek reek and Emigration canyons which endangered city wat watersheds Monday night ight w was s reported under control Tuesday Lighting was believed to have lave started the b blaze aze Water Commissioner Geor George e D. D Keyser said 20 men comprising an 11 emergency crew maintained by the water vater department were rushed to tole the le scene cene after discovery of the blaze All AIl but eight of or the the men were withdrawn withdrawn with- with drawn rawn Tuesday after aftel the flames lames most of the night Dow Young assistant superintendent superintend superintend- ent nl of waterworks and Carl Hammond Ham mond watershed sanitation supervisor super super- visor isor directed the fire fighters Plane Iane to Survey Fire Reports at the water department are re to the effect that the thc blaze did small mall damage to w watersheds Still burning Tuesday was a fire in the he middle fork of Blacks Black's fork canon canyon can can- yon on which according to Ranger J J. B. B J. J Hann was under control after burning 48 acres in one orie area and 12 acres cres in smaller spot fires The fire was vas virtually out with only three men still on duty A fire starting starling Monday near Hat Hatch h- h cry ry lake on the Provo river was quickly extinguished with a loss o of only square feet according to Morgan Park ranger Survey was to be m made b by plane late ate Tuesday of a 1 fire lire burning far back ack in the north fork of City creek canyon anyon according to Mr Betenson This liis fire lire has been handled by Salt Lake City under a cooperative agree agree- ment The cit city J Mr Bete Betenson on said sent 15 men up the canyon Monday relieved them with another 15 Monday Mon Monday day night and Tuesday morning sen sent up eight The request for lor an aerial aeria survey urvey of the thc fire district was made madey by y Superintendent of Waterworks H H. K Burton 1150 50 Acres Burned Summarizing the fire situation on the he forest to date Mr Betenson said that hat approximately acres o of ot the forest brest proper and acres of ot private land and had been burned in 11 class C fires fires of more than 10 acres in area Clarifying emergency fire prevention prevention tion orders for lor the Wasatch forest lorest approved Monday by Regional Forester Forester Forester Fores Fores- ter R. R H H. Rutledge I of Ogden Mr Betens Bet Bet- ens on explained that it is not necessary necessary sary to get gel a permit to occupy a permanent permanent per per- manent camp ground on the Salt Sal Lake division of the forest The emergency order only maket makes make it t necessary he said for hikers expecting ex ex- peeling to leave the road rOld or public camps to obtain a permit The order against smoking he added does not prevent smoking while in camp or on roadways provided the traveler stops to o smoke Smoking while moving by y car ear or afoot he s said id will not be tolerated |