Show I Livestock Markets Marets OGDEN July 16 15 USDA USDA Hor I Hogs Hogs Receipts 1959 including for market 42 to Oakland Oak Oak- Oa- Oa Oaland land and packers packer 95 J to South San Francisco market maket to San Francisco packers packer to o Los Ls Angeles Annie market marke to Los Ls Angeles packers ackers ke and d to Seattle packer e slow 1 few ft lots mixed e drive to h pounds JJ i about steady at 90 several smell small lots lot I mixed weight weight- for week 1 lie higher general top on best light IrM and medium weight weicht ins drive bulk bull mixed weights packing sows sow dO down own Cattle Receipts Cattle Receipts 52 for market marke For week Receipts ReceIpt sz 52 a little more active with wih ome Improvement In i quality prices prIce about sead steady to teady-to lo 0 strong medium and good fod steers teen common downward to 10 bulk heifers heifer bulk best slaughter cows 30 with Sew lew ew young kinds upward to n. n cows downward to bulls bul veal val calves alves calve Sheep Sheep Receipts Receipts 1 Including f for m market rr to tb benver Denver market rI to Omaha market marke and to Chicago market For week Receipts Receipt eight decks deck choice holce Idaho lambs four tour doubles double Idaho teeth feeds feed 4 S 25 few decks Idaho ranch lambs iambs load Idaho range lambs load oad light Utah feeders feeder also load light 15 Oregon Ore Ore- con gon ron feeders feeder at 10 load Id Idaho 0 wes ewes bulk trucked trucked-ln tat fat ft lambs 14 I NORTH SALT LAKE Jul July 10 18 USDA USDA USDA- Hogs logs Receipts leu 1611 11 including 14 1 lor tor mar mar- ma- ma mak k ket t. t to San Ban Francisco packers packer 14 to W Colton Colon packers and to Los Ls Angeles packers pack ers era early sales steady stud to slightly lower fur few ew lots Jots mixed weights to 20 pounds medium and heavy butchers butchen to o pounds U few pound n V weights I hf odd f packing sows s 8 85 5 Cattle Receipts Including eight for i ef hJal market 73 dIrects direct to io Los Angeles pack pack- ers er rs For week Receipts steady stud bulk buil medium and rood good steers teer Inc ng load good cod at at 2525 part pat load mixed e Idaho steers m medium and J good heifers I off Jf grades downward Yard dO to nO best st slaughter cows 50 lower cw grades nw downward downard to sO bulls buls bulk buIl best quoted Sheep Receipts none Pot For Fr week Receipt Receipts Receipts Re Re- 2140 best beet trucked ln lambs 72 to 75 pounds 80 head bead with wih some Ime out at 15 wether DENVER July 18 la USDA Sheep Re- Re USDA Includes d A arod 2475 2473 billed through to ranges for r week le tat fat lambs mostly lower yearlings steady to tc lower better grade aade ewes firm weeks week's toP op 1600 closing top 1540 bulk good cod to choice mediums natives few up to 1800 year year- Ings bulk bull ewes Yar- Yar fC cw Hogs Receipts Hon o Receipts one on double direct demand vr very narrow narow practically everything held over for Mondo Monday few lew pound sold lold soldat soldat at weaker average cost coat Friday weight pounds Cattle Receipt Cattie-Receipt ie e CO 60 for week reek irel bul bulls l O ho He lower beef bed 35 SOc higher aher top 1875 others fed heifers helfers and td mixed i C yearlings ae Ss c e higher grassy grass kinds kind up much less leu top heifers heier 7 5 hulk bull fed kinds mixed year year- Ings Url 35 better beter grade cows cOS steady na- na to strong other others weak wuk to mostly or more lower practical top few bulk low cutters cutter cute I weak to lower cutters cuter fully ful 25 25 lower veal ers en n. n heavy calves calves- lower ower stocker and feeder ee steers steady to higher top 5 bulk 1 e. e KANSAS CITY OI July 16 IS USDA UEDA Cattle Cattle- ate Receipts calves calva 10 for week strictly and choice b fed steers yearlings and fg dh her M fed cd heifers helfers u higher short fed na na- na Una ive and western wester grass crass steers seer closing i dull r with h hs early r advance a ot of I lost grass crass fat s she stock t mostly steady grain rf ted fed cows COWl strong tronc bulls buls tY steady to t lower lowe and calves steady stead to t 50 SOo lower lowe 50 stockers stoker and feeders feeder steady tAct to ISa higher and most nd s several rain gain I on n 1 loads feeders 1 rI users weeks week's kt top t yearlings bulk T u fed steers n. n on common to medium western steers alters ItUS i 2 1 stocker toke t and feeders 25 several loads fleshy heavy henvy hevy feeders up to t noo and load Above above Sheep Sheep Receipts Receipts for week lambs lambl around lower yearlings yearling JurUn 25 oft off sheep steady stad to strong strone weeks week tp top Arizona of Arlona and native lambs Iambi 5 closing top natives native tI rat 1 r. r ti better grades d mostly 2 Os 5 ted fed Texas Texa yearlings others other most mol fat ewes ewes Hogs Hogs Receipts car receipts all di direct dl to packers few lots Ins drive nominally al steady suad scattered lIc sales pound pound 0 no shippen shippers ship ship- pen pers per Pun pounds in average co cost rea Friday 15 weight |