Show CULBERTSON on CONTRACT by Ely Ey Word Worlds World Champion Champon Player Plyer and an Greatest Card Cd Analyst Ay ACHIEVING TIlE THE TiE IMPOSSIBLE There Is I a tremendous satisfaction at the contract table in outbidding and outplaying your opponents and Charles Lockridge playing for an un unusual unusual u. u un- un usual result result- resul in a duplicate game in i New York City recently must have much of that glow following the re result result re- re sult suit he achieved on the hand pictured below North dealer deater North and South SouthA vulnerable A 4 K 5 4 4 i 9 9 5 c 0 J 7 ci 9 6 3 9 8 7 G i ic N A Q 3 c 10 7 4 3 J K 8 3 o IW W EO t 10 5 Ls s. s 8 6 2 E. E 4 4 4 A S J 10 3 2 c o 08 8 T J 10 7 4 Tho iho Bidding South West North East 1 14 1 Pass 1 1 4 Pass NT Pass 3 37 Pass 3 NT Pass Pas Pass Pas Dbl Pass Pass Pasa se Pas Pass Pass PassI Pa I shall not comment in detail deti on the bidding except to take Mr Lockridge's Lockridge's Lock Lock- ridges ridge's explanation that he ard and his partner sitting North and South respectively re reo re- re had had unsatisfactory re results results results re- re on two other boards against the partnership against which they were contending He decided to play for tor a abig abig abig big swing and never at any time during during dur dur- ing lag the bidding indicated that his hi club cub suit was South was an angling angling angling an- an gling for a slam after North opened the bidding an and ana waited only for a club cub to make a slam sIm try but when Mr Lockridge adopted his tactics tac- tac tics tie of concealing strength h hs decided that West's Vests double was based on strength in hearts and spades and so decided to put all al In the balance by a redouble instead of playing for the normal by raising the club bid East opened a diamond and West for tor some reason which he could never satisfactorily explain to himself himsel or to his his' fellow bridge players played the theten theten theten ten and Mr Lockridge thus won the first trick with wih the nave and now could see sec his contract laid down He proceeded to run down six club tricks which gave West considerable difficulty difficulty culty cuty In discarding The final result resul was wn that Mr Lockridge Lockridge Lock- Lock ridge made 12 tricks trick and could have made 13 had he cared to risk rik the finesse in hearts The total toll score 2320 points far fr exceeded the value of the slam which should have been bid and made TODAY'S POINTER However great the stress placed upon accurate play may be there is always a tremendous clement element of luck in the play of the cards The factor of luck however has much more to todo 1 do with wih the personal equation than with wih the cards held TOMORROWS TOMORROW'S HAND The bidding and play of the hand printed below will wi be discussed to tomorroW tomorrow tomorrow to- to morrow East Et dealer East Est and ad West vulnerable J 9 6 6 J 2 0 06 G 7 AK 8 N 1 o J 10 Wt- Wt W WE E 0 K Q 9 8 S SJ J 5 S. S 46 6 Q 10 7 3 5 o OA A 7 Study the hand decide how you would bid and play plY it i aid ald then compare compare compare com com- pare the results you obtain with wit those shown in tomorrows tomorrow's article article Copyright 1932 Ely Culbertson Culberton I |