Show LEAGUE EAGUE GROUP ENDS INQUIRY TOKYO July 16 Te J-Te The The league of nations commission investigating troubles in the far cast east ended a day 12 visit here tonight and started for or Pel- Pel ping to complete a report to the league It I was the second stop slop at Tokyo but apparently the commissioners accomplished pUshed little beyond learning that Japan Japan Ja Ja- Ja pan Is determined no outside interference interfere ence will wl alter aler her course in Man Man- churia It I was learned authoritatively authoritative authoritative- ly that the only result resul of the visit was to emphasize the te gulf gul between the Japanese Ja viewpoint and arid that of the league leage To the contention of the commissioners commissioners commis that recognition of ot the new newstate newstate newstate state of would constitute a violation of ot the power nine-power treaty it was learned leared the Japanese spokesman spokes spokes- spokesman man countered with the assert assertion n that declaration of Independence independence in In- dependence created a situation not foreseen foresee by the power nine pact pac and therefore no question queston of violation was wa involved Japanese leaders in all al sections of oC tho the government expect the report report to tobe tobe tobe be forwarded to Geneva early in September Sep Sep- will wi be definitely unfavorable to Japan They are prepared to oppose op pose or to to reject flatly any subsequent op action acton by the league council counci or the league leage assembly on the report |