Show EAR Come COllie R to- to T S M. M HA H J. J With AVEN V VEN EN Betty Belty Blair Blai FLEA f Affairs of the heart beArt and kindred problem ONLY Will be depArtment lri In this i. i Letters questions and requests request to for Cor advice hOud b ha b. MISS BETTY BLAIR HEARTS HA HAVEN VEN TE TELEGRAM SALT to Write legibly upon only one side of the paper LAKE LAgE r I it Is necessary that you Sou ou append the right name and Address e will be held beld In strict confidence and by but no 4 I ID print Lct Letters rs requiring personal reply appear must Dust be ba t tamped self ad dressed envelopes Ed i by MAN OF HER IIER DREAMS ear jear e r Miss Blair I 1 met a II boy the other day on a can roo on party pirty I think he Is k the man o oIT of IT I dreams We met through our par par nU but he be has now none gone one to Call to stay until school starts I HI Ill not be seeing him when he re reo re- re because he hc goes to a L different hool chool from mine and does not live 4 Anywhere near us What shall I do just CO go o on dreaming FORLORN Canyon Canyon trips trIp are apt to do that that toa to a girl In love with love Any nice boy could ouId become the man of her dreams under such ideal conditions Especially Espe could this be true of the girl gir who had dreamed much of her ideal roa wan man But But how fa far l' l from reality reamy such dreams can actually stray If the boys boy's I mind had not been working in a asim- asim sim similar liar ilar direction he may never once have thought of love He may have had bad a good time with you without ever evex thinking of you in terms of his ideal lady and with no plans no-plans plans afoot afoo for meeting you again Certainly Forlorn go on dreaming dream dream- ing of love What dreams could be sweeter for a young girl But at the same time make preparations for it There re Is so much for a girl Irl to do and to learn to make herself herse ready to receive receive re reo love and to carry carryon on the program program pro pro- gram am that real love entails Dont Don't leave this boy out of your dreams altogether but remember the fine fie things about bout him as traits to be bc look looked d for in other bo boys s 's whom you yoi I may meet who will also show a liking for you and who will vill take the first active steps to become better belter ac ae- The fact that it was your parents who made the meeting pos pOSe ible in the first place between you I md this boy may prove a factor in ringing you ou together again GOLD DIGGERS Dear Bear Miss Mi Blair Not Mot so zo long ago aJo a a. boy writing to earls earl's Haven HaTen expressed the view bat hit all girls were gold diggers EvI- EvI he had iad been try trying In to find a aIrl L Irl who didn't want ant him to spend i nickel on her ller It cant cans be done But Butt t Is true that many nice girls will wUl lI if tin th boys will just ex ex- lain Jain the lack of or funds I am I 18 and lately have been going a boy who has been out of work i toni long time and who finds It Imp os ible IMe to get Iet more than mere pin nane Consequently we ve do not go nor do many things We do illy tennis hike and sometimes go goo o church rind he spends many eve eve- tings ins at my home It wouldn't matter If he didn't spend lot of money on me even though I Io Io o love swimming golf goU and 0 0 on OD In spite of his lack of funds I Ind lad that I admire this boy more very very- day I have repeatedly refused 1 lies laul to go 0 to dances and resorts beuse be- be use ause I preferred to entertain this boy boyt boyI t I home Am I Ia a gold digger ter M W should sho Id permit to D answer answerl l bur tour ur question Perhaps wed we'd then get gett i t better understanding of his point of lIew At any rate we think the times lave ave produced dozens of girls who vho lay a role similar to your own with with- iut lut any pretense at heroism what what- ver vcr The times call caU on every girl to too o 0 h her r dut duty and were we're sure she can cano 0 o It without making a mart martyr r of her her- elf cIt SUMMER SUl HEALTH ear lear Miss Blair I 1 always have felt that summer is a time In which to be mUy health healthy I feel teel that sunny sum sum- ier teg time should as in other years ears I nd ml me waking up In the thc morning ith Uh a desire to leap out of ot bed and irn ira handsprings exultant with joy ut at as I felt in childhood This sumer sumler sum sum sum- ler er I am am 35 and I have no such feel feel- I ig I have a tired lazy feeling that Is ard rd to overcome What is the matter ith me rue and how can I overcome It hank you AGING A great physician says it isn't age age tat makes people over 35 grow dull and sodd sodden and lifeless Its It's poor cir clr- clr culat ion and faulty Ba Bad circulation makes gray of face I It t makes your hair dingy it makes your you skin wither Summer is really the time when Just to be alive should bring you sheer Joy You only really feel that tha J way a when n you OU are disgustingly healthy Begin exercising for tion by using your body Throw your you arms and legs about bend dance skip the rope play tennis take vigorous walks end and nd run a certain stretch st I If you think folks will think you craz crazy take a dog along alonS and chase him anc and let him chase you Outdoor exercise that makes your you our breath pump in and out and your you blood pound in your temples is what wha you need right now You must play in iIi the open and play hard if you wan want to be beth in tiptop p shape for for summer S I ARMS IS AND THE TUE MAN Dear Miss lIu Blair I am to be married soon and I am much to which arm of ot th the groom I should take for the cere cere- mony many The service is to be performed ln In the c church and tind there Is to be a pro pro- In which I am on th the arm of f my any father How Is the change to toJO bo be JO made from the arm of ot my any father to o the arm of ot the groom room Please explain ex cx- plain this in detail Many thanks SU SUMMER ER BRIDE I I It is the rule nowadays that the bride take her fathers father's right arm When they come to the head of the aisle lisle she releases his arm and since he le is on her left he steps back to the left eft without having to step over her train rain This leaves the place at the right entirely free for the groom With his right hand he hc puts the right arm of the bride through his left arm This leaves the left hand free for the he wedding ring t to be placed All AU this his should be bc rehearsed in the church beforehand with the organ music playing and setting the tempo for or the march Ushers and bridal at should be there ther to go through gh with the rehearsal until ever every details detail is s perfected The bride alone does not take part in n her processional or recessional re- re She has a friend act as ns understudy un un- for her while she watches from rom the side lines and gives ions There is an old superstition religiously re- re followed by brides that they never take part in their own re- re Ladies to the right is the rule generally followed except when in walking a gentleman must keep to the he curb but in ceremony it t is necessary that the rule be reversed reversed re reo re- re versed and that b brides ides the left eft for t the c ring ceremony QUOTATION Dear Miss 1155 Blair Please tell me who wrote rote the following fol fol- lowing owing words You may break you may shatter the vase ase If you oU will but buthe the he scent of ot the roses will hang round t still I have ha had a fallin falling out with someone I hold very cry dear delor and I wanlo want to o send these lines Just to express my thoughts of what the memory of the association means to me I should like to o give I e the authors author's name Thanking you ou CANT FORGET Thomas Moore wrote the lines Iines you quote NOTE TO TAM TArtt Our circular on BI Blackheads and Pimples will instruct you in the prop prop- er r treatment of these facial blem blein- shea Kindly send a L stamped self self- addressed envelope with your request requestor for or it it |