Show 2 JOHN BULL AT OTTAWA I WHEN HEN CA John Bull gathers all the British 11 v cousins around the council table at 4 Ottawa next Monday he will attempt to fashion a self-contained self and sufficient self-sufficient empire He will try to bind his flung far-flung dominions together in a a sustaining self-sustaining family fam lam fly ily of nations trading between themselves to the exclusion of the United States and other V countries This Is Is the spectacular culmination of the highly s successful Buy British campaign V that has been going on Von for many months in England The results inspired the calling of the economic conference in the Canadian capital with the aim of making the trade war against the world empire England and the rest of the lands lands' under V the crown have consumed one-half one of the ex export exported ex- ex port ported d commodities of the United States until until until un un- un- un til the rapid decline set in under the new tariff policy polley adopted b by the nationalist government government government gov gov- now in power Canada alone has taken one-fifth one of the exports from the United States Canada and Australia are to buy shoes and cloth from England and England is to toV V buy its Us meat and wheat from Australia and I Canada The same reciprocal trade arra arrangements arrangements arrange arrange- ments are to be worked out at Ottawa so that nations outside of the empire will furnish fur fur- V fish nish only such wares and goods as cannot j be bought under the Union Jack It Is readily appreciated what such a foreign foreign foreign for for- eign trade program will mean for British Industry in industry industry in- in and shipping shipping and and banking Likewise Likewise Likewise Like Like- wise the effect on American industry bankIng bankIng bankIng bank- bank Ing and shipping is revealed This Is the economic warfare of peace Our highest authorities in the field of economics cannot V cast up figures that will begin to show thereal thereal the thereal real import of the Ottawa conference in its probable and almost certain effect on Amerl American Amer Amer- V l loan ican an capital and labor It Is the boldest step yet taken in the direction of nationalism running counter to every effort toward world democracy and world cooperation |