Show Helen T trees J 5 i Star at Paramount In Thrilling Drama Iram Unashamed a sensational drama vividly enacted by an excellent cast opened Friday at the Paramount theater Written by Bayard it possesses the same came dramatic effectiveness effectiveness ef ef- ef- ef that marked the playwrights playwright's playwrights playwright's playwrights playwright's play play- wrights wright's p previous evious successes The Trial of Mary Dugan and Paid Pad Helen gives a dIstinctive distinctive dis dIs- characterization in th the title role Robert Young Lewis Stone Jean Hersholt Monroe Owsley John and Robert Warwick complete the featured cast The drama deals with a charming girl an heiress loved and protected by her father and brother who mis takes Infatuation fore for love and sacrifices sacrifices sac sac- her honor for a man who s sees ei only the millions behind her name Robert Young has a deeply sympathetic role as her younger brother whose chivalrous affection re reaches ches a a. climax when he be kills kilIs her lover Jover Robert Robert Robert Rob Rob- ert W Warwick is convincing as the father torn between his his' affection for his two children One of the most sensational court room scenes ever filmed lImed adds to the thrills of at the stirring drama Th battle of wits between John the prosecutor and Lewis Stone as the defense att attorney will be a memorable memorable mem mem- arabIc scene for all filmgoers The elaborately and effectively staged Thelma Todd and ZaSu Pitts PiUs In InThe InThe InThe The Old Bull their newest com com- com coin edy Is an added attraction Romantic Romantic Ro Re mantic mantle Melodies a screen song featuring fea turing the Street Singer is also pre pre- Paramo Paramount nt sound news news completes completes com corn t the e program |