Show sustain home industries the question of hum industries is still a live one with latter day saints president joseph F aerman at the general sunday on the sustaining of home industries bounded a good deal like the preaching in pioneer times it used to be a very common thing to hear such sermons from the pul-pits in utah it never gave before the division movement for then cmoorrmmoonnss were all for the sustaining af home industries our gave bounties for tha manufacture of certain needful productions and all voted for such laws A number who afterwards became democrat voted for the bounty law of 1892 entitled an act to enczur aga manufactures and paying boun-ties appropriating thirty thousand dollars for the purpose the bounty waa for the manufacture of piping of which BO much is imported for mining and mmuunnicciippaall purposes for augar of which product the people were importing a million dollars worth annually and for rope and twine which cost the farmers so much svery year the only industry that took advan-tage of the bounty within alie years limit was the utah sugar co it drew the entire bounty of at the rate of a cent fsr pound the company abent aix hundred thousand dollars in a plant and tried to raise the amount by popular subscription with all the inducements held out by bounties both local and national people did not want to risk their money in a new and untried industry the history of the sugar ia well understood in utah the lead-ing men of our people had to eign ob to get it started and now it is on alic road to suc cesa it lias been a bleming to the farmers especially and an advantage to the people generally the cirei year that the home product was placed on the market suar fall 75 cents par hundred and it haa been lower in utah every year while the hhoommeemmaaddee product was on the market than in surrounding states thereby utah people have been saved much more in tha price of sugar than the bounty paid out abid while that bounty was a tax mainly on the rich anil the railway and other corporations of utah that pay the big bulk of our taxes tha bone fab of cheaper sugar were reaped by the poor people who paid but a small amount ot the bounty we hopa the Latler day saints will return again to the beneficent policy of I1 he pioneers and promote home As president smith baye it is our most important temporal doctrine the people aronld bacome belt and the proper en-couragement of home will make them so |