Show VS V f aa ia ba vy agag SLA AT 14 CENTRE ST IN THE hathenbruck BUILDING WITH A u w m WE ABE MAKING specialties OF 1 l dress sias ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OF 1 B to F aay you mi Embid eries and laces m all new styles and colors keep your eye on us we will i AT LAW bank belldina Bul ldina PROVO UTAH M M WAHNER T J KNIGHT MIGHT LAWYERS booma 13 14 and 15 union block CITY UTAH SAMUEL A KING ATTORNEY AT LAW rooms 5 and 7 bank building PRO VO CITY UTAH J W H ATTORNEY AT LAW rooms 11 and 12 corn and savings bank building CITY UTAH THOMAS JO BET ATTORNEY AT LAW block up stairs et airs CITY UTAH S K KING attorney at law looms 1 2 3 aad 4 swasey martins bank blan PROVO CITY UTAH E E DUDLEY attorney at law room 9 bank building CITY UTAH D D HOUTZ AT LAW booms 4 and 6 beed block UTAH ROBERT ANDERSON ATTORNEY AT coomb 4 and 6 reed smoot block PRO VO CITY UTAH J E BOOTH AT LAW 23 N J street provo city n elsw collection anancy office bank PAYSON UTAH SAM JEP coraor and ath street fire insurance J of new york koratich Korf tich union of london northern of london british american of toronto national life 0 vermont life of ass modinea office at swasey marthaa Marti aa bank city utah CHAS DEMOISY attorney at law room 15 bank bonding centre st PROVO 01 ry UTAH J M STULL ATTORNEY 2 doors south of rockhill hote SPANISH POKE UTAH E A WILSON law 5 and 7 bank building PROVO CITY urah CHAS F attorney at law room 9 bank building PROVO CITY UTAH S H ALLEN county B U W railway office at smoot brick house 1 block east of tabernacle PROVO CITY UTAH DR G H KEYSOR grown and bridge work a specialty all work fully guaranteed booms 2 and 4 bank building PROVO UTAH W B CIVIL ENGINEER irrigation and water power plans special city surveyor of provi deputy 0 8 mineral office at court mouse UTAH R G architect and superintendent corner M and ath bt PROVO J F HOYES M D physician and excelsior block over cyns Mai bans drug storo PROVO UTAH office hours 9 to 12 a m 2 to 4 p m PHYSIC ANO SURGEON office palace bloch residence 2 east bank corner telephone no 45 doffies so 28 PROVO UTAH K S KNOWL DaS B L jonel knowlden jones general fire and life INSURANCE AGENTS P 0 BOX 11 PROVO as ti ana ai dfora r Ift atod and all other inthe nt office and befaro aba bourla promptly j prosecuted apon receipt tt or sketch ot in naka c examination and a sal balty ty iroe lArz A JW nt belac ia apparent that I 1 hav up eriar ai for krompl for ane ana ar tor il businelli my ajro in the hortt time ti tui arl af request 7 attorney in patent D 0 U B goffio Of fio abia water ia a sore cure for rheumatism minera leading indication catarrh constipation chronic palpitation of the heart and all kidney and cervona troubled lea and deuits washed sy empire laundry cht itar palls and only genuine A barc LADIES ft Q for din WA ia lied tint cold nill lWy alej alth baug tta ff ano other v at cronl ae ia for uil It flier for cn it by return mall aan bajier il square du tj UJ local Dru seim ib dire for aa a remedy for all of head ache electric bitters has prayed to be the very beet it effects a permanent care and the moat drca Jed habitual sick headache bield to its influence we urge all who aro afflicted to procura a houie aal arivs thin remedy a fair trial in caes of habitual constipation electric bittera cures by giving ane tone to the bowels and few cases lone rapist tho aea of this medicine try it once only fifty cecis at excelsior 2 money to loan oo 00 improved arm and city tv term five years with privilege 0 part of any amount before maturity thia mosey is loaned on mort esRo only thereby granting to borrower the lawful redemption in case of foreclosure low rate ol 01 interest ah on or write george A Hanberry at county re cordera cord erB office prove city utah adjis USE PUKE parties ot taking th city awatar will do well to aall on the for tb cost of connection conn action the water main bates or any thu to coit and nr at the uy kindly by bra grygor pitcher castorg Casto Hg j caietti matrka obtained eat conducted for i 4 OUR omee is OPPOSITE US PATENT emote from washington i scud modal or photo alta de scrip afoa we advise if or not ree of i our fee not duo till talent is Ec cured i A how ka obtain with cost fw in the U S fenu aass OP PATENT 0 C art irow AI 1 wanted by the trustees of the vineyard school district sealed proposals for the build loft of three outhouses out houses in said district in accordance with plans and specifications which shall be furnished by the tron tenn all proposals be opened at vineyard school house on saturday tho day of october 1895 at 11 a m the board les errea the right to reject any and all bids aad shall require of euch contractor a bond in double the of the contract conditioned that he will perform the conditions ot the contract in a faithful manner and in accordance with its pro visions all necessary information will be furnished by the clerk of the board all should be ad to john gillies clerk of board lake view P county utah dated abia the day of september Sep temoer vineyard Vine jard utah county utah chriatian W D LEWIS J OHN giltjes trustees FRAGRANT SOE FINEST virgl NIA 6 THE HIGHEST skilled WORKMEN am MAKING webe cigarettes tre american tobacco 0 o successor zions savings bank and trust company sail lake chiy utah pays five per cent interest per annum on any deposits you hajee write for WOOI KUr GEO M cannen preat OaB hier delivered to any dart of tha city bock springs lamp castle gate lamp pleasant valley lamp winter quarters lump bock springs nut anthracite 1100 YARD 17 agents send for prices farls FRUIT TREES SHADE TREES AND ornamentals ORNAMENT ALS EVERGREEN B ROSES CLIMBERS LAWN GRABS SEED HARDY GARDEN ROOTS BULBS greenhouse PLANTS FANCY BASKETS FUNERAL AND WEDDING DESIGNS PAMPAS PLUMES estimates mado on parks and landscape gardening part payment in trade to suit the times weata st P 0 box 89 provo city only gold medal in utah held fox fancy japan foliage plants iralli keeps always on baud MAT home cured hams and bacon bologna and pork sausage PURE HOME MADE LAED CASH PAID FOB FAT LIVE STOCK MY MOTTO lowest prices consistent with best quality and honest quantity D proprietor Ss lakers of ENGINES AND BOILERS IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS MACHINERY OF ALL KINDS MADE AND BICYCLES STOVES AND LAWN MOWERS REPA ALL kinda OF PIPE P 0 box 91 PROVO ni i hlll alid 7 G lass glass and wall paper largest sock south ot salt lake city at full line of liquors and bottled family trade solicited H S PYNE mgr 0 LOOK OUT FOR big stock of lew goods spec sides scientifically adjusted to all sights without extra charge for over fifty dearv MB Tx Lowa hae lor ave fifty years by millions of mother to their children while teething with perfect success it boothem the child notten the anai au pain cares wind colic and Is the beit wt it will relieve the poor attl bold by in every art ct the world twenty ave cent a bottle be sure or mr Soot hlat and tt othar kind |