Show oar arce offer tha bonx winter can b very profitably to reading ant there are borne ahinga taftt wa must read th year round one of these ia a local paper the beet in the country ia babore you another ic good home paper ef pen era ax womankind for which corbea once a month filled with the beet things bior the baay housewife we are able by with the to vear to deverr advance subscriber t oar paper and wa are glad 0 o do ao for we ta convinced that no home paper in cont atea more of practical to bright stories the latest fe hiona newa of homana work oa motherhood of floii ere A parliament for the dij of matten are a few of the bright fe iturea of womankind to the bead of the hoam we offer oa the asmo terms farm news an able czi paper edited by a practical miner miller esq lat state lecturer of the ohio farmere Farmer 1 aa bianco li anco and filled each month with from able that aake it aa absolute te grerr wide awake farmar ahlf pax ia conra for the caking ya AM a to our paper member Ea every to TER ii entitle to bla choice of either of thie tell your about this offer A sample copy of both may b f obtained by addressing co proto utah gome la and pay a rime ix ad canoe to aad cat pao aft ht M |