Show atty and county cottings jottings Jot tings ONLY docta via R G W to salt lake and return made auila at PROVO WOOLEN MILLS CO WARD 1 l SON will jafee GRAIN in part payment for building material tl ROCK canyon orchard is famous for choice fruits consisting of bartlett coara orange peaches plums grapes etc 2 milea from poet office would be pleased to fill your orders W 0 beesley THE guidman mercantile co of american fork are wrapping all their parcels in scarlet ec arlet it looka like chiy arc painting the town dauw TAKIS your flour to the elite bakery in exchange for bread opposite post office ATI END the grand cloak opening at the 8 company THE A 0 afoot lumber yards want ineat oata barley and corn in ex for lumbar doors sash etc A complete new is carried tf your fish ana same to howa A taft and get tha highest market axa abram halladay ol 01 third ward is lying dangerously ill at kindi of produce wanted in ei calunga for woolen goods PROVO WOOLEN MILLS CO aal receipts carefully compounded at smoot drug co t TUB nicest and cheapest lamps I 1 have seen this fall can ba had at chip mana american fork dauw D L has opened a real estate anin office in martins bank opposite the post office booi gooi rooms an 1 boad at tho rato of 5 par week at lira snyders opposite the opera house FAMILY trade solicited goods delivered promptly oy the popular grocers boagard A baxey pointe paint 1 paint 1 baady bixel paints at ward sona 1 per gallon can feet of logs wanted immediately G W mickel prove t carry all the leading brands of flour at lowest once AT the opening of the chapman mercantile co american fork they are belling pint fruit bottles 75 cents per doz quarts 85 and at now is your taw afna latest aryles of capes jast in over strong at the S 8 jones company auar G W reduced th rates to lesa than one cent a mile to benefit tha people patronize them to dalt lake and return growers and bee keepers can get BUpp liea at the lowest prices at geo W mickela mill in building material and contractors can cave money by sending their ordera tor mill work to geo W mickela Mic kelB provo utah t go to the excelsior house opposite the opera house on J street for the beat 25 cent bed and the beet meals in the city ANYTHING in the bakery line made to order wedding cake a specialty at florae opposite PO do you want to saye your fare to salt lake by buying wrap at the 8 8 jonea company it so come at once we can convince yon wa have the cheapest best moot stylish lino in utah yon ought to een the immenga stock of that the mercantile ca american fork baa received mans pints coat and veit for worth 6 anywhere daab aleven pound aspirant tor office arrived yesterday at the residence of jonathan ward ho cra too late to tor but ii heavy enough to tole while down ia tho southwestern part of the detate some time ao mr W Oh almers editor of the chico cal enterprise 1 I an attack of adya dya antery liavine heard ol 01 chamberlains colic cholera and diarrhoea aremady I 1 bought a bottle A couple of dose of it completely cured me now I 1 am champion of that remedy for all stomach and bowel complaints for sale by smoot dang co the ladies republican club of tho birst ward will meet at the home of mrs reed smoot on thursday evening oct 10 speech what hag araa trade done for our country T james glove song miss mattie Brer atoa question why was the farat protective tariff measure passed in Gong reea of the U sand what called in forth min sarah stubbs recitation mis lillie deal A hearty invitation is extended to all mida andersen secretary |