Show THE III iri Eai hoad scenic line of the world the only line banning two through fast trains daily to ASPEN PUEBLO COLORADO SPRINGS AND DENVER train no 2 9 26 a m arrivo at pueblo m colorado springs a m denver 1030 a m cripple greek a m train no 4 leaves provo p m arrive at m colorado springs p m denver p m connections made at ado springe and denver with alt linea east elegant day coaches chair cara and Blee para on all take the 0 h R G and have a comfort able trip and enjoy the finest on the continent shortest line to Cr ripple creek colorados great gold camp train no 2 provo at a m at cripple creek next borni abc A b HUGHES 8 K HOOPER traffic manager G P T A denver colo denver cold B F KEVINS general agent salt lake city ut TY M ast |