Show home industries are talked of BE ir talks on devine arc cannon on pure politics il 8 if there ever bennra was men a crowd at a semiannual semi annual confer olce as a the one juet ended the batee find the eisteddfod took hundreds to salt lake who would perhaps otherwise not bao one apostle F M lemau do evered the opening address he eaid t wag ein fular but true thai lat abi lay S tills could detect hie was becala the hoh their companion anil continually warned them false pro god revealed through the con science the difference between and wrong and all were cowed on with power to do gods will he exhorter exhort eC hia to eek too much attea this worlds they should not build railroads and dt celop mined for the sake ot personal pery onal aggrandizement but make thea available for tho up building of the church and the kingdom of god which was the mireion of the mormon chuto apo tie baikham youn followed in an earnest diaco uree ome of the blea siaa that would be bestowed alie saints if they lived worthy liven he it was a bold statement to make but tha were more perfect in givinn up to their religion than all other church organization B in the world put together F D richards emoke on the authority of tb book of it is just aa much the word of god as the filble itself the firt eps fiker in tha afternoon was apostle aaram 11 cannon he poke ai anth upon tha duties ol 01 children U parents there ia a growing dis alonz the oung people to die obey the counsel of their parente or su vernora ver iora tia should not be BO faa disobedience arraya in injury to the the most beautiful of parental obedience wap aund in the life ot the master w aldave bowed to the will of the father if only the sma spirit would prevail abou amou abe Lati erday S aint the would oe greally apostle laid ho bad noticed recently a tendons on tha part of the paints to car leaah and about their brethren nothing should be watched with greater care than the reputation ol 01 sainta could not bo with the real of tha world aard all good abound ba and and the rejected A man who would politically deceive the people would also deceive them financially and if among n the pool of oolitic i h is been made dirty let ma aak voi who has done it president the last so aaker dwelt on divine authority and the necks ity of obedience obe dence to it the underlying principle of the teachings of the mor roon church wa to the truth hence the to the priesthood could not bo ascribed to ignorance the la berday saints aba moot courageous people un the face of the earth as bleir in 0 the many testified they were also ot he vary best acock of the country baini able to trace thair ancestry to the early corniea coon iea thy wera an tans people as the ead calleja trans from deaerts into ea adena gave evidence of in cloaking he admonished the beope to mahrn n lecora ox to the hone ot goil nd n t rush out before the mr vices over there acro immense crowds sunday morning president woodruff preached the opening aarmon he looked hale and hearty fora man of bis age and his voie voi e seemed as clear aa a bell he spoke for nearly an hour on divido revelations the questions agi bating the of many people today he caid were doea have divine revelations do the prophet ave livin i B from heaven I 1 choul i be rf lilt inhered thi 13 an ini pre N jsn could by capably le aini godif people in thid en abio thre th re power ironi above lu olden times the israelites ra wera lead by aari when any of them god 01 turned away irom the path revealed to them god visited them with pestilence and destruction the same waa trap of when revelation la as much a ity aa iii the time of too earl prophet the gentiles could not den abie no creator dispensation DO greater revelation was ever divento enin ban to joseph 1 finith all faithful belieka he was gods instrument dot thero was also another question some of the people why lad god chosen euch u weak mortal as wilbord woodruff to lead us why had be not chosen some bianc f intellect divine 1 I will tell 3 ou continued the speaker simply because god does not do business that way god chooses those ho cabi handle president josaph smith said he did not wish to detract from the many good spiritual teachings that bad been eiven bat be desire iJ to talk of temporal affairs the latter also pertain to the gospel for latter day sainta are a practical leopld A bitter feeling bad formerly existed toward the saints bat BOW was a friendly one this waa not on account of any acceptance of their lea chinga bat was due 10 tho of material proa ou all lamia they can aea what the saints have done by united albrt without any capital tj ot other states were utah in substantial growth the key that bac opened the bloor to prosperity in utah is home ia auetry atau bad been the first western to reco nizo the value of developing ve all her othor baates were mines it is important that utah leopla con tanua building ap and supporting home industries and continuing the speaker daid how many of you will patron ize the sugar factory at lehi why you ought to bur ana aukar jurod there as long aa you can ret a pound of it I 1 heard a lady and abe wao a latter day saint too say aho would never aaa lahi sugar batausa it tasted of the beeta I 1 laughter ans kotlier lady said it made her coffee too sweet why I 1 tell yon he continued thesa gentiles or conrid patronizing homa suar while ane baines many of them will not uch it it of beets laughter 1 he eaid ho saoko of thiu because many of the high of the church had thoa ands of dollars in these industries and were car rains the burden until their credit was strained and all this anany thoua aada of saints would buy the imported anic lei as they 10 baye a fow cents when as a mattir of jact the bonev waa bent out of the state 10 foreign labor people not realizing the value of these factories A stranger from the east a few weeks ago eaid the speaker bad invested several hundred thousand dollars in utah because of her industries dont say lehi sugar tastes or beets but rally to our support as it is your duty to do we have a great burden to carry and I 1 tell you frankly we dont like it we have invested our money and your land has increased in value as a result and I 1 would to god you would return some appreciation by buying homemade home made goods and sustain home labor I 1 tell you it is the doctrine of tho church the will of God that we should become coif sustaining and keep our money at home and as we grow more independent we shall bo a happier people if you want woolen cloth to cover your bed go to the utah woolen mills it they have no cloth of sufficient size buy it anyway and bleed bleep alone laughter now this is temporal gospel AFTERNOON in the afe af e noon there was n over alov meeting lu tho assembly hall and detill thousands could not find room in either building the temple block wa crowded after both bogeas of worship were filled president cannon took up all th if at the tabernacle alter ore amentini aen tini the general church authorities ha raid 1 I have looked forward from boyhood to the of prophecies concerning this people hut of late it is plainer than avar that god is using tins people to do great woi k it is important than ever that these people accept the counsels which they receive it ia ramar kabe how the are for the ing of abo Teni tory once we were charged with being subject to a one power now a great change ha taken place in the comments of the world our method of up our our farms and budding up conr commands the admiration of the world the people of the east in the congested districts ly tor opportunities to obtain and places to dwell irrigation ia alio key to this situation utah ii the centre in the great irrigation diet utah had born deemed a cursed and until lately now and vieito iB agree in pronouncing thia a meat rich and furtula land stepa are being made to nettle up the western and territories and this draws their attention to utah and to mormonism which has made homes in this ones barren country to the pioneers and to brigham young are eulogies pail for their labors in thic country anere was an important happening hap penine at the late irrigation con grest it occurred in the address made which would in flamenco future legislation on this matter in this address a comparison was made between and utah that was very unfavorable to maa and it only by using all possible influence that this was stricken cut for we felt that it would not ba wise to thua speak of and perhaps annoy them in thia way we are being forced into public boico tle world thinks abo results ot president biggham youngs counsels are due to abu wisdom ot acen but we know it is through inspiration of god the saints and their ara being vindicated before the world I 1 sea bt reports anat we have be tween and joong caeg out preaching the dospel in the think of the influence of this too effect thia must davs upon our people theale men out for two veara traveling without enree and ernp learning lan and gamma the varie variel l esperi which conae to they came back developed and with au experience valuable above all atham president stanford of the Siu tharo pacific railroad ald in congress that it coat them a dollar to watch the legislature of utah with all the strength of mind and body I 1 oppose any moneyed hf inz in produced trod into abe of biah L have alwaes aard that I 1 should do all I 1 could to prevent any corruption being brought into affairs in utah you may talk about religion but if we are not honest our religion will count as for nothing it is a abade for any man in public to use funds in any manner but the strictest methods of honesty theca who practice tin bet in the dark and soon leave this church god is cleansing this church men may deceive their brethren but they cannot bide their ain from the spirit of god men may aan in private but god will tell and bia acirit will leave them god will have pure people a virtuous people aud have an honest people we ought to train our to that they would have a horror of sin they should feel that it would be better to die than to loose the faith of the gospel who ia there who does not want to be numbered forever among the people be dreaded above all things I 1 would rather eat down en my knef before my brethren and bee toem to tell me what I 1 could do if I 1 thought they felt I 1 waa not ec ing accordine to their cou osal death would ba nothing to apostasy there is nothing so bacel as the presence of the spirit ol 01 god president woodruff wanted to bear to what had been bald by cannon and smith we recipients lately he said of visits from titled man they at what they eco and they dont ask us to raisa oar bats to sea our barne they have got all over that I 1 want all latter day sainto to remember their fast meetings mee tinga and give their donations dont depend noon bishop preston but take care of it yourself youre elf and the blessings of god will attend you w the ra were eider fjelsted Fj elated grant edar A W ivins apostle A H cannon elder 8 B kuung and apostle B igram young this ended one of tha most pleasing in the history of the church |