Show LEGAL NOTICE territory ozutan na utah county B in the probate court la and tor said county in the zeatter of the of phoebe deceased order to shiow causa why order of sale of real extale should nut be raade M holt of the estate ot phoebe culeman Culp man deceased felled his petition herein praying for an order 01 sale nf the real estate of laia decedent for the purpose therein set forth it la therefore ordered bytho probate judge of eald that all gersoni interested in the estate 1 I said deceased appear before tha said pro bale court on the aih day of october 1895 at 10 in the of said day at court room of said probate court at the court bouse in provo ot utah to show cause why an orders should not bo granted to tho said administrator to sell BO much of the real phoebe deceased as should be necessary and that a copy of this order be published at least acce a week fop four weeks abely in the enquirer a newspaper printed and published in said attah county territory of utah probate judge dated septembers 1893 territory of utah county of utah a I 1 E L jones clerk ol 01 the hrobat court in and for utah county territory of Utah hereby certify afat the foregoing 1 a fail true and correct copy of the original order to show cause why an order of sale of real estate should not be made of the estate of Phoeba deceased and abow on allo and of record in my office band and the deal ot said cort at my office in provo city abia ath day of september A D 1835 B ljones LJ ONEa clerk |